Tag Archives: ron paul

NATO is now global attack force #JensStoltenberg

  Herland Report: NATO is now global attack force: The NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg is still in office. He is the very best puppet of the globalist elite, so good at parroting the wishes of the neo-cons that he recently was awarded an extended term – which is very rare. Most heads of NATO last maximum 5 years. Apparently …

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Follow us on YouTube, cutting edge interviews with leading intellectuals, reaching millions

Conservative Feminism: Hanne Nabintu Herland

  The Herland Report Scandinavian news site and TV channel on YouTube has millions of readers/viewers yearly, featuring cutting edge interviews with leading free thinkers, intellectuals, authors and activists on foreign policy, Western cultural decay, religion, values and the need for international justice and respect for national sovereignty. The Herland Report believes in freedom of speech with its editorial policy residing above the …

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EXCLUSIVE with Dr. Ron Paul on Quenching Liberty in America

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  Herland Report TV: Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks with Dr. Ron Paul from The Liberty Report about Liberty being quenched in America. In several new TV shows on YouTube, we present Dr. Paul as well as many other leading American intellectuals. “Do you think we should build up armies and march over to the Middle East because we have this …

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Følg Herland Report nett-TV: Vi når millioner

Vi utvider nå med nett-TV. Herland Report

  Følg Herland Report nett-TV: Vi når nå millioner årlig: The Herland Report nyhetssiden og Herland Report TV (HTV) når millioner årlig med  samtaler med ledende vestlige intellektuelle og fritenkere. Det har vært en fantastisk respons på den nystartede WEB TV kanalen Herland Report på YouTube. Overraskende mange har logget seg på og sett opptakene med kjente nordmenn.  Programmene har i …

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Is America beyond savable? Totalitarian shut down of free speech, Paul Craig Roberts

Is America beyond savable? Totalitarian shut down of free speech, Paul Craig Roberts

  As many readers of Dr. Paul Craig Robers’ website have noticed, the United States has lost its character and become a dysfunctional society. In place of a largely homogeneous population once united in veneration of the Constitution, there exists today massive diversity which Identity Politics has used to disunite the population into seperate interest groups. No clause or article of …

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Hvorfor behovet for demonisering av muslimer?

The Quest for Mental Health: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report

  Herland Report: Hvorfor behovet for demonisering av muslimer? Vestlige regjeringer har aktivt bidratt til destruksjon av en rekke Midtøsten stater. Vi trives godt med å «bombe deres land», men får sjokk når de vil «bombe oss». Den synkroniserte demoniseringen av «folkeslag vi misliker», inneholder en rasetenkning med sterke sosialdarwinistiske undertoner. Noen anses som «bunnsjiktet i utviklingen» og vi selv, …

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Intervju: Vi når nå internasjonalt ut, interessen eksploderer – Hanne Nabintu

The Quest for Mental Health: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report

  Herland Report: Intervju: Vi når nå internasjonalt ut: Artikler og tv-programmer på Herlands nettsteder ble lest og sett ti millioner ganger i fjor. Kanalen har 30 000 abonnenter med snart 6 millioner sette programmer i løpet av ett år. Interessen for Herland Report, som både har en nyhetsside og en YouTube-basert TV-kanal, har eksplodert, sier Hanne Nabintu Herland til …

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TV interview with Ron Paul: Everything the neo-conservatives do fails

Dr. Ron Paul Interview: Dr. Ron Paul exclusive: The elites have no empathy with the working class Herland Report

  Herland Report TV presents the first of four interviews with Dr. Ron Paul, former US presidential candidate, Congressman, famous Libertarian, author and founder of The Liberty Report. He states that “the American system is failing. The people who are on the defensive now are the people who believe in this superpower state. Even the neo-conservatives are on the defensive …

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Noam Chomsky: America is a falling star

Noam Chomsky: America as falling star:

  Herland Report: Noam Chomsky: America as falling star: Noam Chomsky, one of America’s leading intellectuals and a highly cited researcher, has advanced a depressing image of the USA as a nation that has evolved into a major cause of terror. For some time Chomsky has argued that the USA is not a democracy. It is in fact a one-party …

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How the West turned the Middle East into Arab Winter

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  The West turned the Middle East into Arab Winter: Throughout history, democratic leaders have occasionally shown an extraordinary talent in destabilizing the world. This was the case in Germany leading up to World War II. It also seems to apply to the current American foreign policy in the Middle East. The invention of the Arab spring has turned into …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite