Tag Archives: #SaifIslamGaddafi

Virginia court Arrest warrent for US citizen and Russia ally, Haftar, Libya

Khalifa Haftar Libya NATO civil war atrocities.

  Herland Report: An arrest warrant has been issued by a Virginia court for US citizen and Russian ally, General Khalifa Haftar, leader of Libyan National Army (LNA) for multiple atrocities against Libyan civilians. He is an American citizen. The Virginia court has issued the warrant on the basis that the general, who has the dual US and Libyan nationality, …

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Haag ICC overturns legal case of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi Libya?

Saif al Islam Gaddafi Liberation

  Herland Report: It looks like the Haag ICC court finally allows Libya to sort out its own issues with Muammar Gaddafi’s son, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, overturning the legal responsibility to Libya. The ICC has been holding hearings considering appeals for Saif al-Islam Gaddafi’s defense, and ruled “The Appeals Chamber directs the Registry to transmit to the representatives of the …

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“Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. The dream of Libya’s future”

Saif al Islam Gaddafi Liberation

  Herland Report: The NATO assault on Libya 2011 has become one of the most shameful moments in recent Western history. The nation collapsed, Al Qaida affiliated groups were helped to power, causing a raging civil war that lasts to this day. The Western mainstream media is quite obciously not allowed to talk about it, Western politicians avoid it, the …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite