Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite
Saif al Islam Gaddafi Liberation

“Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. The dream of Libya’s future”


Herland Report: The NATO assault on Libya 2011 has become one of the most shameful moments in recent Western history.

The nation collapsed, Al Qaida affiliated groups were helped to power, causing a raging civil war that lasts to this day.

The Western mainstream media is quite obciously not allowed to talk about it, Western politicians avoid it, the EU frantically tries to hide some of the massive human tragedy that many attribute to France’s then president, Nicolas Sarkozy.

At The Herland Report, we have written about this topic for years.

The long awaited, global edition of the new book Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. The dream of Libya’s future, now adresses the topic.

It has been made available for Saif al-Islam Gaddafi. The dream of Libya's future sale in France by political thinker, Mourad Hattab.

The book highlights Libya, a country torn between the heads of tribes and the Islamic Jihadist groups, stressing that this country was unified from 1969 thanks to the martyr leader, Muammar Gaddafi.

The aim of the book is to outline the political strategy of Dr. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, heir and son of Muammar Gaddafi. His whereabouts remain uncertain.

Morad El Hattab is an expert advisor on strategic investments and economic intelligence. Writer, graduate of the Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters. Winner of the Lucien Caroubi Literary Prize, Prize for Peace and Tolerance, for the book Chroniques d’un buveur de lune . The author has known Saif el Islam Gaddafi for more than 15 years.

Morad El Hattab gives us a striking synthesis of the real contemporary issues, courageously posing the disturbing questions. Everything is said about what the EU, France and others hoped would remain secret.


Saif al Islam Gaddafi Newsweek Herland Report
Newsweek, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, whose whereabouts remain uncertain.


Libya is torn between clan leaders, tribes and Islamist groups today. This country, unified by Colonel Gaddafi, will it survive his founder?

Historic fractures between east and west, between the sea and the desert, have been rife since Western intervention. The thousands of refugees that Europe has known are nothing compared to what would happen if Africa’s most developed country disappeared.

It is time to ask how to save the unity of Libya by entrusting it to an undisputed leader and able to preserve the public good.

With regard to history, sociology and geopolitics in the face of this fragile situation, we believe that only Saif al-Islam Gaddafi is able to reunite Libya and protect the shores of the Mediterranean.

What do the escapades of DSK, the “idiocy” of Sarkozy, the coming to power of Donald Trump, the recent jihadist attacks, the migrants in the Mediterranean, the “spontaneous” Arab Spring and the wars have in common? The acquisition of oil? The demolition of Libya was indirectly the trigger.

History is repeating itself, because 70 years earlier, the destruction of the French oil empire had already begun in Libya.




In a fragile context in which subjects as sensitive as the monopolization of strategic raw materials intermingle, terrorism or the economic war, only Saif al-Islam Kadhafi, legitimized by the Council of Libyan tribes, is able to reunite Libya and protect the shores of the Mediterranean.

Morad El Hattab gives us a striking synthesis of the real contemporary issues, courageously posing the disturbing questions. Everything is said about what the EU, France and others hoped would remain secret.

The Libya 2011 war was the point in time where the Western media lost its credibility among regular Westerners. Since then, over 70 % of the population in both the US and the UK state that they do not believe what they hear in the press to be true.

The UK published its report in 2016, and its examination revealed extensive misinformation and fake news reported by leading media outlets. 

The media presented a string of decisive lies about Gaddafi and the situation on those momentous days of February, 2011—lies that opened the floodgates for NATO’s waging of war. This article uncovers some of the processes that were going on behind the facade of the media. It also looks at the statements made by French philosopher Bernard Henri-Lévy in Libya—which were taped by Libyans and submitted to the Herland Report—that the war was Sarkozy’s own personal war.


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