Tag Archives: slavery

NEW INTERVIEW on how the Elites oppress Unwanted Groups – with Dr. Reginald Davis

How the elites oppress unwanted groups: Dr. Reginald Davis, Hanne Nabintu Herland interview slavery oppression and how to break free

  How does the oppressor control the oppressed? How is it done today? Herland Report YouTube host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Dr. Reginald Davis about slavery, oppression, exploitation and how the oppressor controls the oppressed. SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel here! How the elites oppress unwanted groups: “When you are creating a system of oppression, you have to have …

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Why the total silence on White Slavery? White slavery was normal in the Byzantine Period

Why the silence on White Slavery? Raymond Ibrahim

  The penchant to target “white” women for sexual exploitation is an epidemic currently plaguing Europe, especially Britain and Scandinavia, writes Islamic scholar and author, Raymond Ibrahim, a regular contributor to The Herland Report. The current Black Lives Matter debate is solely focused on white slave owners, disregarding that black tribes in Africa sold black slaves from neighboring tribes to …

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The Christian anti-slavery Movement: How British Christians ended slavery

Colonization ended Slavery in Africa: Raymond Ibrahim

  Today history books are rewritten and important truths omitted to fit the Marxist propaganda narrative. With historical truths distorted, many Westerners no longer understand how important Christian philosophy, ethics and religious thought was for the success of our Western civilization. The Christian anti-slavery Movement: But historical facts are hard to deny. For example, it was British Christians who campaigned …

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Colonization ended Slavery in Africa, it did not start it

Why the silence on White Slavery? Raymond Ibrahim

  In what follows, Michele Antaki—a former UN interpreter, journalist, and translator offers another exclusive by summarizing a speech given in French by Ernest Tigori, an Ivorian intellectual and political activist, exiled in France, and winner of the Nelson Mandela Prize for Literature in 2017. In his book “L’Afrique à désintoxiquer” (“Detoxifying Africa”), he explains why it is crucial to …

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NEW BOOK: British Christians ended slavery and long pushed for its abolition

British Christians ended slavery: Truth About Slavery: Practiced by Africans and Arabs in Africa long before the White man got involved: Herland Report

  Today we are told so many lies by the elite atheist propaganda machine, that many simply do not know how important Christian philosophy, ethics and religious thought was for the success of Western civilization. But historical facts are hard to deny. For example, it was British Christians who campaigned for the ending of slavery, as I point out in …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite