Tag Archives: swedish doctors for human rights

Swedish Doctors for Human Rights: White Helmets Staged Chemical Attack

Swedish Doctors for Human Rights: White Helmets Staged Chemical Attack:

  Herland Report: White Helmets Staged Chemical Attack: The Syria war is the worst humanitarian catastrophy since World War II. The civilian suffering is enormous, and we seldom hear their voices in the media. Syrian civilians steadily claim that children are being abducted, used in videos as actors, removed from their families and so on. Mother Agnes has spoken extensively …

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Swedish Doctors for Human Rights say White Helmet show murdered children, Syria


  Herland Report: Swedish Doctors For Human Rights (swedhr.org) analysed videos, the rescue after an alleged attack by Syrian government forces. The doctors found that the videos were counterfeit, where even Arabic stage directions were overheard, and that the alleged “Rescue” in actuality is a murder. On first analysis, it looked as though the doctors working on the child assumed …

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Norsk ekspert: White Helmets videoen viser at det som gjøres med sprøyten i barnekroppen, er mord

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Herland Report: Den mye omtalte White Helmets videoen med døde spebarn og småbarn, omtalt av Swedish Doctors for Human Rights som “makaber manipulasjon av døde barn og falskt kjemisk angrep for å frembringe en no-fly zone over Syria“. Les flere av Swedish Doctors’ artikler her. En norsk ekspert på temaet uttaler til Herland Rapporten: “Det er ingen tegn til stridsgass på noen av …

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