Tag Archives: Taliban

In Search of Monsters to Destroy: Washington’s endless Wars

America’s Stolen Guns:American Collapse: Ammo

  Founding Fathers warned against going abroad in search of monsters to destroy.  When Washington takes its wars, slogans, and coups abroad, generations of writers have characterized the aggression as seeking monsters to destroy.   In Search of Monsters to Destroy: Washington has benefitted from the cover offered by the slogan, justifying mayhem inflicted on the world as overthrowing dictators and bringing …

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Valdai: Afghanistan and the Degenerated Western Culture

President Putin at Valdai: Kremlin Photo

  President Putin at Valdai: Since Russia is now our much talked about enemy, one would assume that the Western media would scrutinize every word said by President Putin at the recent 2021 Valdai Conference which gathers influential journalists and statesmen from all over the world in Russia. But not so. As the 2021 Valdai Conference was held in the …

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Afghanistan displays the United States as a Failed State unable to protect its own

The United States as a Failed State: Afghanistan Kabul Getty

  Herland Report: The United States as a Failed State: As the United States seemingly flees Afghanistan in what is deemed “Saigon on steroids,” America demonstrates to the whole world its inability to protect its own citizens, the decadent state of its military, the utter failure of the neo-con push to “end extremist Islamism,” the sad display of President Biden, as …

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The Divided United States Domestic War: Attacks its own Population

The American collapse of traditional values: Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Divided United States: The Biden Administration’s effort to withdraw nearly all US troops from Afghanistan and Iraq before the end of the year is commendable and it is hoped that a departure from Syria will follow soon thereafter, but one must nevertheless be concerned that the overseas moves are being made to concentrate government resources on the …

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The Afghanistan war: The nightmare that shames America

Afghanistan marks Total Failure: Getty

  Herland Report: The Afghanistan war: The nightmare that shames America internationally: After 17 bloody years, the longest war in US history continues without relent or purpose in Afghanistan. There, a valiant, fiercely-independent people, the Pashtun (Pathan) mountain tribes, have battled the full  might of the US Empire to a stalemate that has so far cost American taxpayers $4 trillion, …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite