Tag Archives: tim hayward

Documentation on Alleged Chlorine Attacks in Syria 2014-18 – Tim Hayward

Chlorine attack syria

Herland Report: We all remember how the alleged chemical attack in Douma on 7 April, 2018 led to a missile attack on Syria by the US, France and UK. This briefing note summarizes the results of further investigations of the Douma incident and explains relevant scientific issues. This note also examines the processes by which OPCW Fact-Finding Missions and the …

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Syria: Médecins Sans Frontières only reprint White Helmets, writes Tim Hayward

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: In a series of articles, professor Tim Hayward at the University of Edinburgh has examined in The Herland Report how the Western audience has been mislead on Syria. In this article: Médecins Sans Frontières. MSF had no independent access to verifiable information from Syria. None of MSF’s international doctors have been on the ground in Syria’s war …

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Moderate rebels used to legitimize US coup in Syria? – Tim Hayward

Bashar al Assad Syria Donald Trump

  Herland Report: Moderate political opposition does not involve or support taking up arms against the government, let alone against unarmed fellow citizens.  This proposition would be treated as self-evident in our own country, so why are people seemingly ready to discard it when talking about Syria, writes professor at Edinburgh University, Tim Hayward.     Moderate uprising does not …

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Noam Chomsky, John Pilger letter warn Blowback on US War Strategy

Noam Chomsky, John Pilger letter warn blowback on War Strategy

  Herland Report:The warning of Blowback from Current US War Strategy was recently voiced in a letter signed by numerous Western intellectuals. Terrorist acts on British soil have been committed by people revealed to have been not only known but actively supported by British intelligence agencies. They were supported in carrying out acts of violence in other countries, including Libya …

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Intervju om hvorfor President Putin er en av de største lederne i vår tid – Dagen

IHerland Report: Religion motivates people to love one another in a way that secularism cannot: ben Thranholm New Left TYranny Hanne Herland

  “Jeg tror Russlands president Putin vil fremstå, i historien, som en av vår tids største ledere. Jeg respekterer Putin blant annet for hans evne til å forstå hvor viktig kristendommen er som etisk fundament for å bygge en sterk kultur”, sier religionshistoriker, forfatter, TV produsent og leder for Herland Report til avisen Dagen. “Konservatismen og fokus på verdiene i …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite