Tag Archives: Totalitarian

We now live under Totalitarian Democracy – ‘requirement to agree with the state or else’

Alarm av Hanne Nabintu Herland: Foto TV2

  The West is re-entering an age of totalitarianism. Freedom is increasingly defined as the right to concur with the Western liberal hegemony elites, which implies a fundamental revolt against historical Western values. The enemy is now the traditional family, the nation state, respect for spiritual beliefs, natural law and the Christian-Judeo ethics as foundational values. Just as Communism and …

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Interview with William Binney: Western Totalitarian Democracy means end of Freedom

Interview with William (Bill) Binney: Our Totalitarian Democracy means end of Freedom, Herland Report

  The Herland Report TV: Hanne Nabintu Herland sat down with the NSA whistleblower, William Binney, discussing mass surveillance, NSA, violation of civil liberties and much more. “We are violating the Constitution by spying on every US citizen. It is a totalitarian process, for example the media is totally infiltrated by the CIA,” says former NSA director, William Binney, on …

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Big Brother and Totalitarian Control in the West – Hannah Arendt

Traditional Western Values: Cancelling God is the Worst Western Mistake Ever: Hanne Nabintu Herland, Herland Report

  In times of massive political upheaval such as what we now are witnessing, the German philosopher, Hannah Arendt might be worth revisiting. She lived to see World War II and the totalitarian Nazi regime up close and wrote The Origins of Totalitarianism to warn the world of the terrible fate of those who embrace authoritarianism. She states that a …

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Julian Assange freed after 12 years, returning to Australia

  In an age of Orwellian political censorship and strong totalitarian traits in the West, the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was freed on the 24th of June, 2024 in a daring move to end his humiliating years in Belmarch maximum security Prison in the UK.  His wife, Stella Assange tells the sad story that documents the degeneration of classical liberties …

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Atheism destroys Hope in the Human Soul warned Alexandr Solzhenitsyn

Men have forgotten God: Alexandr Solzhenitsyn

  When Communism reigned with its iron fist in Russia, it was bent on destroying all religion. The very essence of the Communist ideology, which developed from Marxist theory, was to uproot traditional faith in God and its worldview, claiming that a godless, classless society would emerge once Conservative religious values were exterminated. Atheism destroys Hope: As the United States …

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The killing of the Western middle class

The Billionaire World and Karl Marx: Number 1 on Amazon: The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite. By Hanne Nabintu Herland.

  The ultra-rich profited immensely on the COVID-19 lockdowns. The world’s billionaires saw their wealth increase by $12.7 trillion or 42%. The richest 10 now possess more wealth than the poorest 40% of humanity combined, reports Oxfam. The killing of the Western middle class: Yet, what is the situation post Covid-19 for those who are not billionaires, who do not …

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Surveillance Orwell 1984 No Longer Fiction

Dystopian World: The United States war on its own People: John Whitehead at Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Who could have predicted that 70 years after Orwell typed the final words to his dystopian novel, “He loved Big Brother,” we would fail to heed his warning and come to love Big Brother. “You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement …

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The Psychology of Totalitarianism: Crisis narrative, destructive groupthink, free-floating anxiety

State Power and Totalitarianism: Minneapolis, Floyd

  Professor of Clinical Psychology, Mattias Desmet’s book The Psychology of Totalitarianism is well worth reading: The world is in the grips of mass formation—a dangerous, collective type of hypnosis—as we bear witness to loneliness, free-floating anxiety, and fear giving way to censorship, loss of privacy, and surrendered freedoms. It is all spurred by a singular, focused crisis narrative that …

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 How the neo-Marxist movement is strangling America

AP photo  How the neo-Marxist movement strangled America: Herland Report

  Herland Report: The neo-Marxist movement: It is only recently that most people have come to understand how influenced American society has become by Marxist thought. Yet, this ideology has been preached for more than 50 years to American youth in schools and universities, demonizing classical, traditional values and substituting these with revolutionary, God hating ideals that have succeeded in destabilizing …

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The American Democratic Autocracy

Democratic Autocracy: Shutterstock

  Democratic Autocracy: President Biden recently spoke about the need for democracy rather than autocracy, pointing out that the American midterm elections would save democracy only if the Democrats got the majority. In other words, those who vote Republican are against democracy, as only the rule of one party with complete control over the government promotes democracy. Biden thereby defined …

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