Tag Archives: USA riots

New York turning into Hellhole

Total destruction of sovereign nations:US Economy Destroyed: Does Western Civilization Have a Future New York turning into Hellhole as Residents flee the Democrat run City, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Michael Snyder: Hundreds of thousands of wealthy residents have already left New York City, and more are leaving every day as America’s biggest city rapidly degenerates into a hellhole. This is incredibly sad to watch, because in many ways New York had been an incredible success story over the past several decades. The 1970s and 1980s were …

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George Floyd Killed Himself by drug overdose, read Medical Examiner’s report: Police officer Chauvin did not kill him

Media Complicit in Mass Murders: George Floyd Killed Himself by drug overdose, read Medical Examiner's report: Police officer Chauvin did not kill him, Herland Report

  Herland Report: George Floyd Killed Himself by drug overdose, read Medical Examiner’s report: Police officer Chauvin did not kill him. Nowhere in the media is there any mention of Floyd’s existing serious health conditions, his drug addiction, and the level of fentanyl in his blood that was in excess of a fatal dose. The medical examiner’s report has been …

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George Floyd autopsy showed three times fatal dose Fentanyl opioid, not killed by police

Systemic racism manufactured by Elite: George Floyd FOX Tucker Carlson now announce what we wrote two months ago: George Floyd was not killed by police, but by overdose of Fentanyl Opioid, Herland Report

  Herland Report: George Floyd story: The presstitutes’ story is that George Floyd died from asphyxiation—“I can’t breathe”—from a police officer’s knee on his neck.  This story is not supported by the autopsy and toxicology reports. The autopsy report says Floyd died of a heart attack and that no life-threatening injuries were inflicted by police restraint. The medical examiner found no …

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Why does Black America hail criminal George Floyd as hero, asks Candace Owens

Why does Black America hail a criminal like George Floyd as a hero and martyr, asks Candace Owens:

  Herland Report: Why does Black America hail criminal George Floyd as hero and martyr, asks Candace Owens: Candace Owens is an American free thinker who has become immensely popular for stating that Democrats are abusing Black Americans by inciting them with a “victim mentality” in order to use their votes to their own benefit. She implies that the victimization …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite