Tag Archives: wahhabism

Islamic Persecution of Christians seldom criticized in the West


  Herland Report:  Why does the Liberal West so often refuse to criticize Islamic persecution of Christians in the Middle East?  The past years, we have seen a near genocidal situation for minorities, millions of Christians leaving the Middle East. At the same time and since the 1980’s, the Wahhabi radicalization of Islam has swept through the Middle Eastern Muslim communities, …

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Wahhabismen sprer seg i Oslo – Trond Ali Linstad

Wahhabismen sprer seg i Oslo - Trond Ali Linstad Herland Report

  Herland Report: Tillat noen raske notater. Jeg erfarer at pakistanere som driver matbutikken på hjørnet, der jeg ofte handler, har sluttet å hilse på meg. Hilser jeg først, kan jeg få noen ord tilbake. Jeg har tilsvarende erfaring med den tyrkiske frisøren ved siden av i gaten. Forklaringen ligger i en sekterisk islamsk tenkning: wahabiske (salafisme). Og dette bør …

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Amal Wahab supports terrorists in Syria? Eva Thomassen

Journalist Amal Wahab supports terrorists in Syria? Eastern Ghouta battlefield

  Herland Report: The Norwegian journalist, Amal A. Wahab serves as a classic example of the propaganda-support for terrorist groups in Syria that keeps the West from getting a balanced look at the international geopolitical power play in the region.  Eva Thomassen asks in this article why, in her view, Western journalists like Amal Wahab so openly writes articles in …

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Saudi Arabia Ambassador, Carl Schiøtz Wibye: Wahhabism Responsible for Extremism


  Herland Report: Norway’s former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Carl Schiøtz Wibye, analyses the Saudi Arabian Wahhabism as a sect, a sunni-extremist deviation within Islam that today is causing problems. He explains how oil money has been fuelled into exporting radical ideology, that in many aspects breaks off from traditional Islam. He states that these Wahhabi-extremist trends first permeated the …

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Wahhabism breaks with the teaching of the Quran – Trond Ali Linstad

Saudi Arabia wahhabisme er betydelig ideologisk trussel mot Europa: Trond Ali Linstad, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Wahhabists/fundamentalists, for whom beard shaving is forbidden, condemn Christians, Jews, followers of other religions and Muslims who disagree with them, declaring them “apostates”, “heathens”, and “infidels” who deserve to be killed and massacred, writes Dr. Trond Ali Linstad for The Herland Report. The Wahhabist campaign has reached Norway. Mosques are being built and usable spaces are being …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite