Tag Archives: West

Globalists push for the total destruction of sovereign nations in quest to dominate them all

Globalists push for the total destruction of sovereign nations in quest to dominate them all Society Is becoming a Prison Disguised as Paradise Getty

  Globalists, who intend the destruction of sovereign nations, have labeled concerns with mass immigration to be racism as a way of discrediting the concerns and preventing discussion of the threat.  Total destruction of sovereign nations: Immigrant-invaders, or as the euphemisms “refugees” and “asylum seekers” label them, are used to overwhelm ethnic nationalities and turn them into towers of babel …

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Friedrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom and how the West is returning to Feudalism

Alarm av Hanne Nabintu Herland: Foto TV2

  Elon Musk recently suggested the reading of the 1944 book by Friedrich Hayek, The Road to Serfdom. Hayek was one of the 1900s most influential economists. His ground breaking work lay the foundation for a deeper philosophical and economic understanding of the dystopian nature of socialism. The book describes why it is so important to understand the totalitarian traits …

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Julian Assange freed after 12 years, returning to Australia

  In an age of Orwellian political censorship and strong totalitarian traits in the West, the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was freed on the 24th of June, 2024 in a daring move to end his humiliating years in Belmarch maximum security Prison in the UK.  His wife, Stella Assange tells the sad story that documents the degeneration of classical liberties …

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Christianity, ethics and Habermas: Moral questions are rational questions of how to live the best possible life

Christianity, ethics and Jürgen Habermas: Moral questions are rational questions of how to live the best possible life. Bild

  Moral questions are rational questions that discuss how we are to live the best possible life. Christianity produced a distinct set of moral virtues that were the ideal standards for justice in traditional, historic Western nations. Christianity, ethics and Habermas: Since the atheist, relativist ideology took over the hegemony in the West, these ideals have been scrapped and substituted …

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Paul C. Roberts book review of The Billionaire World, number 1 bestseller on Amazon: One of the Few Remaining European Intellects Stands Up for Truth as the Guarantor of Liberty

Hanne Herland’s main message: Number 1 on Amazon: The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite. By Hanne Nabintu Herland.

  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts’ book review of The Billionaire World: Hanne Herland is a leading intellect of the Western world.  She is a defender of civilization and Christian morality and a stalwart opponent of the Satanic forces that are attacking our civilization.   In her new book, The Billionaire World, she explains the variety of assaults on Western civilization that are undermining …

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Why we Celebrate Christmas: St. Nicholas, Santa Claus and the birth of Jesus

Why we Celebrate Christmas: St. Nicholas and why we celebrate Christmas, Herland Report

  Initially a Christian feast celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas has been appropriated by secular forces to be expanded into a generic holiday that serves consumerism, materialism and pop culture more than it does Christ. Why we Celebrate Christmas: The secularized, atheist Christmas has become a time for unrestricted indulgence, all in the name of “Santa”, who has …

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Mental Pain: Our civilization is blanketed with a light melancholic fog of neuroses, depression and loneliness

Mental Pain: Hanne Nabintu Herland in L'Indro Hanne HErland

  An underlying sorrow weights down the Western culture. Our civilization is blanketed with a light melancholic fog of neuroses, mental pain, depression and loneliness. Mental Pain: What happened? How did we end up in a situation where loneliness and depression are such massive problems? What happened to the family? And to the life long companionship between the man and …

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Selfishness and complacency destroys the West: Are Christians no longer Christians?

The neo-Marxist New Left 1960s revolution: Herland Report

  Something has gone seriously wrong with Christianity in the West. Research shows that church attendance is dropping dramatically. The very peculiar fact that surveys demonstrate is that it is the most believing Christians that leave the churches. Maybe because institutionalized religion seems most preoccupied with the “God bless me and make me rich” ideology? Or are there other reasons? …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite