Tag Archives: Wikileaks

An ally of the dispossessed, John Pilger dedicated his life to telling their stories and awoke the world to the greatest injustices

An ally of the dispossessed, John Pilger dedicated his life to telling their stories and awoke the world to the greatest injustices, Helrand Report

  The remarkably resilient truth seeker, journalist and film maker, John Pilger has left us. He died in London December 30th, 2023, reports Consortium News. “A consistent ally of the dispossessed, John dedicated his life to telling their stories and awoke the world to the greatest injustices. He showed great empathy for the weak and was unflinching with the powerful. …

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The Suppression of Free Speech Has Close to Majority Support in America

The Suppression of Free Speech Has Close to Majority Support in America: Herland Report

  Almost every minute of every day I see overwhelming evidence of America’s collapse as a free country.  Elon Musk conducted a poll on whether Twitter should allow President Trump to use the social media platform. The Suppression of Free Speech: Fifteen million people responded.  51.8% of the respondents said “yes,” but almost an equal number 48.2% said “no.”  In other …

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Julian Assange: Media Groups, including New York Times urge US to drop charges

  New York Times Comes to the Defense of Julian Assange: Through a joint letter The New York Times, The Guardian, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, and El Pais asked the United States to drop the Espionage Act charges against Julian Assange because it undermines press freedom. Twelve years ago, those American and European media released excerpts of the revelations obtained …

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RADIO NOVA intervju om hvorfor Hillary Clinton er verst

  Hvorfor Hillary Clinton er verst: Kritisk om Hillary Clinton fra Radio Novas podcast “Kapitalen”.  Jeg hevder i programmet at det er et hovedproblem med norsk presse at det foreligger en så sterk konsensustenkning og gruppepress som gjør at omtrent alle avisene mener omtrent det samme. Det meste presenteres i ren propagandaformat ala “Trump-hets” og “Hillary-hyllest”, der nyansene forsvinner som følge …

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Ledende medier var hovedkilde til Fake News 2011

The Federal Reserve Cartel: Who owns the Federal Reserve? Herland Report

  Ledende medier hovedkilde til Fake News: Ledende medier var viktigste leverandører av Fake News i 2011. Man hyllet “den arabiske våren” som notorisk ledet til at sekulære, islam-liberale ledere ble fjernet og radikale islamister og sunni-ekstremister tok makten i land etter land i Midtøsten. Mediene var propagandakanaler til støtte for radikale ekstremisters verdensbilde. Man ble islamistenes største hjelpere. Den …

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Belmarsh Prison Inmates Help Julian Assange

Belmarsh Prison Inmates Help Julian Assange Julian-Assange-Ruptly-Catelyn-Johnston

  Herland Report: Julian Assange: For quite some time, the news of Julian Assange has been that he is a dying man inside the Belmarsh Prison, UK. Reports have indicated that doctors are refused to treat him, that his health is rapidly deteriorating. In 2010, Julian Assange was hailed as “man of the year” by the mainstream media. The Wikileaks files …

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Al Qaida – ISIS har lenge vært vestlig alliert, la oss avslutte samarbeidet

Siv Jensen CNN Getty

  Herland Report: Hvorfor er det fortsatt så vanskelig for oss å erkjenne at Al Qaida affilierte grupper er våre samarbeidspartnere i Midtøsten? Det ble jo dokumentert av amerikanske DIA rapporter og Wikileaks for mange år siden nå. Saken kommer opp igjen med FRPs utgang fra regjeringen. La meg først gratulere FRP og partileder, Siv Jensen med avgjørelsen, som kan …

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Pompeo Lies, Cheats and Steals, says Phil Giraldi

Getty Pompeo Lies, Cheats and Steals (but He’s Still a Good Christian) - Phil Giraldi, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently recounted to an audience at Texas A&M University that when he was head of the Central Intelligence Agency he was responsible for “lying, cheating and stealing” to benefit the United States: “Like we had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment,” writes Dr. Phil Giraldi,. He …

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Fake Charge Against Julian Assange Proves US Government Has No Integrity

Fake Charge Against Julian Assange

  Fake Charge Against Julian Assange: Let’s be sure that we understand that Assange is not charged with anything related to Russia or Russiagate or even with breaking a law. Assange is charged with being in a conspiracy with Manning “to commit computer intrusion.” The charge is not that Assange succeeded in hacking a government computer and obtaining classified information. …

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War on Wikileaks, breakdown of national sovereignty, Phil Giraldi

War on Wikileaks, breakdown of national sovereignty, Phil Giraldi

  Herland Report: The United States, uniquely among nations, believes that its writ runs all over the world—and that it has a right to use its courts of law to seek retributive justice even in situations that did not involve American citizens and occurred in a foreign land. No other country sends its marshals overseas to forcibly detain fugitives from …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite