Middle East/Africa

Yemen, starvation is crushing a nation

Yemen Al Jazeera Herland Report

  Herland Report: There are reports that the Washington-initiated and militarily- supported Saudi Arabian war against Yemen have a starving Yemeni population eating leaves. The Saudis, with Washington’s GPS support, continue to target school busses, massacring children as an element of the terror assault against the population, trying to break Yemeni resistance by murdering children on school busses, writes Dr. …

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Senator Richard Black in Syria, Watch LEAKED “chemical attack” video


  Herland Report: Republican State Senator Richard Black of Virginia has met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and claimed to have knowledge of an alleged Western plot to stage a chemical weapons attack there as a pretext for military action, Newsweek reports. Black, an Army veteran, traveled to Syria on Wednesday to express his support for the government’s war against insurgents and jihadis …

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Upcoming false flag operation in Syria? Idlib creating “Assad chemical attacks”

Upcoming false flag operation in Syria? Idlib creating "Assad chemical attacks" Herland Report

  Herland Report: On Saturday, August 22nd, AugustRussia warned the US administration that the Russian authorities know all the details of the provocation that is being prepared in the province of Idlib. Republished September 14th, 2018. Terrorists are going to simulate a chemical attack allegedly committed by Damascus, and “in response”. The British, Americans and Frenchmen will strike at Syrian …

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Horrifying Militia War Crimes Libya, West is silent

Militia War Crimes Libya: Libya war 2011 atrocities

  Everyone knows that the NATO led attack on Libya in 2011 produced a failed state, the Libyan 150 billion state funds looted, millions of displaced persons, a refugee epidemic that threatens to destabilize Europe and a Libya under Islamist rule. The NATO Libya war in 2011 sent the country spiraling into chaos and civil war, now characterized by  militia …

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Dokumentet som startet krigen mot terror og flyktningstrøm, Niels Harrit

  Herland Report: De lagliga grunderna för invasionen av Irak 2003 har blivit ifrågasatta i flertalet länder. Den mest välkända är Chilcot-utredningen i Storbritannien, vilken startade 2009 och resulterade i en rapport 2016. Undersökningen handlade inte om legaliteten av krigshandlingen, men den brittiska regeringen blev starkt kritiserad för att inte ha tillhandahållit en rättslig grund för attacken, skriver Dr. Niels …

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Syria: Médecins Sans Frontières only reprint White Helmets, writes Tim Hayward

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: In a series of articles, professor Tim Hayward at the University of Edinburgh has examined in The Herland Report how the Western audience has been mislead on Syria. In this article: Médecins Sans Frontières. MSF had no independent access to verifiable information from Syria. None of MSF’s international doctors have been on the ground in Syria’s war …

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Inge bevis for at Bashar al Assad brukte kjemiske våpen i Syria

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Anklagen om kjemiske våpenangrep fra Assad kan minne om en gjentakelse av kanskje vår tids største falske nyhet, nemlig påstanden om masseødeleggelsesvåpen i Irak som første til invasjonen fra USA. Hans Blix, som representerte FN kunne ikke bekrefte noen funn av slike våpen i forkant. Nå har vi OPCW som heller ikke har kunnet bevise at Assad-regjeringen …

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Libyan state institutions overruled by militia reign of terror

  Herland Report: “Killings and torture are being committed with impunity by all sides in Libya, according to a UN report. Human rights violations carried out by armed groups battling for control of the country could amount to war crimes, the report says. Victims include detainees, journalists and human rights activists. Scores of people have been tortured and killed,” wrote …

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Gross racism against Tawhargha Libyans, UN special envoy – Eya Essif

Gross racism against Tawhargha Libyans, UN special envoy - Eya Essif

  The continous persecution against the Tawhargha tribe in Libya is continuing, with no end in sight. The international community is well aware of the ongoing atrocities done towards this great tribe of Libya, the black skinned Libyans of Tawhargha. Yet, little is done to better the situation as the ruling Libyan militia leaders seem bent on destroying the Tawhergha …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite