Middle East/Africa

Documentation on Alleged Chlorine Attacks in Syria 2014-18 – Tim Hayward

Chlorine attack syria

Herland Report: We all remember how the alleged chemical attack in Douma on 7 April, 2018 led to a missile attack on Syria by the US, France and UK. This briefing note summarizes the results of further investigations of the Douma incident and explains relevant scientific issues. This note also examines the processes by which OPCW Fact-Finding Missions and the …

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TV intervju: Pål Steigan om tysk storkapital betydning for nazismen

Herland ReportPål Steigan om tysk storkapital:

  Herland Report: Pål Steigan om tysk storkapital: Kommunisten Pål Steigan er velkjent for sitt opprør mot det vestlige meningsmonopolet. Han er grunnlegger og daglig leder av det voksende nettstedet steigan.no. Det har vært en glede å ha Steigan i studio en tid tilbake for å snakke om hvordan den tyske storkapitalen la grunnlaget både for Hitlers maktgrunnlag, men også for …

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Vi ønsker alle muslimer en riktig god Ramadan

Hanne Nabintu Herland: Vi ønsker alle muslimer en riktig god Ramadan i Norge, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland ønsker alle muslimer i Norge en riktig god Ramadan. Artikkelen er en respons til at partiet Høyres Facebook side ble nedrent av negative kommentarer da partiet ønsket muslimer i Norge god Ramadan. Etter mange år med medier som nærmest ensidig har malt et negativt inntrykk av muslimer som generalisert gruppe, er det norske folk …

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US citizen Khalifa Haftar and Russian ally is doomed to fail

US citizen Khalifa Haftar and Russian ally is doomed to fail, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Sasha Toperich:  US citizen and long term CIA operative Khalifa Haftar, has been a player on the Libya scene ever since he moved from the US in 2011 to join the NATO war. But it is hard to win a war without the support of the Libyan Tribes, who basically constitute the Libyan civil society. With the …

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Interview: How the Color Revolutions were created – Serbia, Syria

How to create Revolution Serbia, Syria: Joaquin Flores Fort Russ News Herland Report

  Herland Report: How to create Revolution Serbia, Syria: We had the pleasure of a sit-down with political scientist and editor-in-chief of Fort Russ News, Joaquin Flores about how revolutions are planned, community organized and implemented in order to enhance Western Hegemony. We discuss how the “revolutions” in the Balkan and the so-called Arab Spring were engineered and created phenomenons …

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Wahhabismen sprer seg i Oslo – Trond Ali Linstad

Wahhabismen sprer seg i Oslo - Trond Ali Linstad Herland Report

  Herland Report: Tillat noen raske notater. Jeg erfarer at pakistanere som driver matbutikken på hjørnet, der jeg ofte handler, har sluttet å hilse på meg. Hilser jeg først, kan jeg få noen ord tilbake. Jeg har tilsvarende erfaring med den tyrkiske frisøren ved siden av i gaten. Forklaringen ligger i en sekterisk islamsk tenkning: wahabiske (salafisme). Og dette bør …

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Why Do Central Europeans Love Israel So Much?

  Periods of major political transformation have never been particularly easy for Jews, and the current moment is no exception. Anti-Semitism is ascendant in Europe and many fear that the resurgence of nationalism will exacerbate it. But there is a twist: Anti-Semitism’s rise in Europe is being accompanied by a growing fascination among Europe’s hard right with Israel and, in …

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Hannibal Gaddafi imprisoned for being the son of Muammar Gaddafi #Lebanon

  Heralnd Report: In an effort to solve the Hannibal Gaddafi imprisoned case in Lebanon, the UN 40th Council recently addressed the need for justice. The International Council Supporting Fair Trial and Human Rights held the Lebanese authorities and judiciary responsible for kidnapping Son of late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, his concealment and arbitrary detention without legal support. Dr. Abdul …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite