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Will Jordan Hashemit Kingdom fall post Syria?

AlBaghdadi ISIS leader Syria

  Herland Report: The Syrian war influx has created massive socioeconomic problems for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, including increased poverty, unemployment, budget deficits, and pressure on health and education infrastructures. National identity is one of the most sensitive and complex issues in Jordan. Since its creation in 1921 until recently, Jordan adopted a pan-Arab orientation at both state and …

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Saudi Donations to American Universities function as Bribes


  Why would the center of illiberalism, religious fanaticism, and misogyny ever sponsor the center of liberalism, secularism, and gender equality? This is the question that crops up when one considers the largesse that human-rights-abusing Saudi Arabia bestows on the leading universities — those putative bastions of progressive, free thinking — in the United States, writes Raymond Ibrahim, Middle East …

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Why Do Central Europeans Love Israel So Much?

  Periods of major political transformation have never been particularly easy for Jews, and the current moment is no exception. Anti-Semitism is ascendant in Europe and many fear that the resurgence of nationalism will exacerbate it. But there is a twist: Anti-Semitism’s rise in Europe is being accompanied by a growing fascination among Europe’s hard right with Israel and, in …

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Intervju Trond Ali Linstad: Jesus er et stort forbilde som vi bør følge

Intervju Trond Ali Linstad: Herland Report

  Intervju Trond Ali Linstad: Det var en stor glede å samtale med muslimsk lege, Trond Ali Linstad på Herland Report TV. Linstad er daglig leder Urtehagen Stiftelse på Grønland i Oslo og serverer mange aktuelle betraktninger i programmet rundt kristendom, kristne som ikke følger Jesus’ eksempel, muslimer som ikke følger islams prinsipper og om ekstremismen som vrenger på budskapet …

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Britisk parlamentsrapport 2016 avslører medieløgn Libya 2011


  Lars Jørgensen: Libya krigen 2011 ødela Norges rykte som fredsnasjon. At vi så raskt, med Arbeiderpartiet i spissen, var villige til å bidra militært inn i en konflikt vi visste lite om, og dermed bli medansvarlige i borgerkrigen som herjer til dags dato, ble for mye for folk flest. Mange etterlyser et oppgjør med de norske politikerne som den …

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Whistleblower World Net Daily: December issue GOD WITH US

  American culture has gone mad, with men who think they’re women and politicians who think they’re gods. Hatred and division are at historic levels, with some experts even predicting civil war. Western Civilization is genuinely in peril. And yet dare speak the truth about any of this and you risk being attacked as a “hater” or a “fascist,” comments …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite