The Christian anti-slavery Movement: How British Christians ended slavery

Colonization ended Slavery in Africa: Raymond Ibrahim

  Today history books are rewritten and important truths omitted to fit the Marxist propaganda narrative. With historical truths distorted, many Westerners no longer understand how important Christian philosophy, ethics and religious thought was for the success of our Western civilization. The Christian anti-slavery Movement: But historical facts are hard to deny. For example, it was British Christians who campaigned …

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NEW BOOK: British Christians ended slavery and long pushed for its abolition

British Christians ended slavery: Truth About Slavery: Practiced by Africans and Arabs in Africa long before the White man got involved: Herland Report

  Today we are told so many lies by the elite atheist propaganda machine, that many simply do not know how important Christian philosophy, ethics and religious thought was for the success of Western civilization. But historical facts are hard to deny. For example, it was British Christians who campaigned for the ending of slavery, as I point out in …

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American Education: Child Indoctrination to hate what made America great is killing the nation

Child Indoctrination: Aurora by Odd Nerdrum

  Child indoctrination: Seemingly overnight, a large segment of America has gone insane. We’re not talking about the culture of paranoia and safety that has metastasized in the wake of COVID-19 hysteria. We’re talking about the ideological shift, particularly on cultural issues, that has occurred since the start of the Obama Administration, writes Sam Jacobs, the lead writer and chief historian …

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Globalist control of Politicians: The Billionaire Class and Robbery Capitalism

  Hanne Nabintu Herland explains how globalists control politicians as middle class shrink: The consolidation of wealth in the hands of the very few is unprecedented. At the top of the Western economic pyramid resides a billionaire class who are the globalist version of the feudalist lords. In my new book, The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite, I analyze …

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Plurality is the enemy in the Progressive, Atheist West

Plurality is now the enemy: Hanne Herland Report

  Plurality is now the enemy: The term “one-way tolerance” perfectly describes the situation where only one party is required to be tolerant while the other fails to show mutual respect. The term “tolerance” then loses its meaning and becomes a political and ideological tool to silence opposition. The words of C. S. Lewis in The Screwtape Letters sum it …

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TV interview: We are run by a non-democratic Money Elite – John Whitehead

We are run by money elite John Whitehead, Herland Report

  Herland Report TV host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to John Whitehead about police brutality SWAT teams, lack of individual freedom and eroding Constitutional rights in the United States. John Whitehead is the president of The Rutherford Institute and a constitutional attorney who has defended many against police brutality. He is one of the US’ leading voices for the American …

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Paul Craig Roberts on the American unipolar world view: The United States is exceptional, everyone else (including Europe), are dispensable

 Paul Craig Roberts exclusive interview: The neo-con lead us towards Total War: Herland Report

  Dr. Paul Craig Roberts states in this exclusive interview with Herland Report that “the worst thing that have happened in my lifetime was the collapse of the Soviet Union.” “This was absolutely the worst thing. As long as the Soviet Union was there, there was a limit to Washington and its ability to bully and dominate,” states Dr. Paul …

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Digital Currency: Big Brother will be in your wallet every hour and every day

Digital Currency: Big Brother will be in your wallet every hour or every day. WashingtonNote.

  Digital Currency: The new digital currency will make trackable every transfer of money to family, charities, friends, clients. The nation’s central banks who issue the virtual money will have total control over how you spend it. Big Brother will, in other words, control your wallet every hour of every day.  “You will not be able to buy a stick …

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Economic Ethics: Trust as ethical principle defines the difference between constructive and self-destructive Capitalism

American economy great only for equity owners: Ill

  A study of requirements for the optimal functioning of Capitalism quickly uncovers the need for a strong focus on trust. This applies to economics on the micro level as well as the macro perspective. Trust is one of the ethical principles that make the difference between constructive and self-destructive operation in profit-driven financial businesses. In cultures where social development …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite