New Year: The World Known to Me Is Fading Away

New Year: The World Known to Me Is Fading Away, Paul C. Roberts Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  World Known to Me Is Fading: In a few hours it will be another new year.  I can remember when 1984 seemed far in the future, both as a calendar date and George Orwell’s predicted dystopia, to which 9/11 and the digital revolution gave birth in the 21st century.  Now I find myself 35 years past 1984 and a …

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Liberal War on Christmas: Banning those who celebrate Jesus birth?

christmas Jesus For Millions Of Americans, No Money No Christmas In 2020:

  Herland Report: Liberal War on Christmas: Banning those who celebrate Jesus birth? The Christmas season is unquestionably the most festive time of the year for Americans, celebrated across the nation by persons of all walks of life and political beliefs. Even those without strong religious beliefs join in the festivities of a season dedicated to sharing, helping the less …

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Interview with Hendrik Weber: Work for peace in Ukraine

Interview with Hendrik Weber: Work for peace in Ukraine, Herland Report

  At The Herland Report we simply love activists. We love those individuals who wish to protect the animals, the environment and God’s green earth, those who fight for the children, who stand up for the voiceless. We admire those who try attempt to do something unusual to shed light on injustice. They go out of their way as individuals, …

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Whistleblower World Net Daily: December issue GOD WITH US

  American culture has gone mad, with men who think they’re women and politicians who think they’re gods. Hatred and division are at historic levels, with some experts even predicting civil war. Western Civilization is genuinely in peril. And yet dare speak the truth about any of this and you risk being attacked as a “hater” or a “fascist,” comments …

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The media stereotypes and vilifies groups #Arabs – Woodley Auguste

The media stereotypes and vilifies groups #Arabs - Woodley Auguste Herland Report

  The Herland Report TV: “With the media you can virtually inflict propaganda and it will sway thought,” says the founder of a U.S. based public relations and marketing consultancy, Woodley Auguste in this TV interview, featuring programs on the problems of racism and tribalism in America. Woodley Auguste is a seasoned professional with over 15 years experience, an American …

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William Wiley: Hvordan skape krig i Syria – Eva Thomassen

Hvordan skape krig i Syria Wiley

  Herland Report:Hvordan skape krig i Syria: Vi mener at det er viktig å belyse en sak fra flere sider. For eksempel, hva bistandsmilliardene egentlig går til. Oppfattes vi som en stat som villig betaler for å sikre seg favør i ulike land? Isåfall deltar Norge aktivt i korrupsjon.  Hva vi vet om hvem som mottar hva? Og hvorfor er …

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Identity Politics’ Racism errors: We are taught to hate each other

USA image

  Herland Report: Paul Craig Roberts: I heard a black historian on NPR say that the “civil war” was fought in order to establish a framework for human rights. He also said that black civil rights achieved by the war were overturned by the rollback of Reconstruction, put back in place by the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and was now …

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Palestinians’ Worst Enemy Is Their Own Leaders: Corruption and repression

Palestinians’ Worst Enemy Is Their Own Leaders: Corruption and repression

  Herland Report: Once in a rare while, Western journalists address the massive problem in the Middle East pertaining to corruption and repression of free speech in the Arab world. This week, Human Rights Watch released a report on Gaza leaders and the report shows widespread abuse.  The two-year investigation included interviews with nearly 150 people, many of them ex-detainees. …

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Obama angrer, men NATO Jens Stoltenberg knuser gjerne Libya igjen

Jens Stoltenberg The Nation

  Herland Report: Krigen i Libya i 2011 førte til en brutal borgerkrig og massive overgrep mot sivilbefolkningen. Al-Qaida milits tok makten, rundt 3 millioner ble flyktninger og siden har en systematisk forfølgelse av mørkhudede libyere pågått. Det samme Libya var Afrikas rikeste land og en sosialistisk stat under Muammar Gaddafi, med velferden fordelt på befolkningen. Det var en nasjon …

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President Trump has accomplished more than almost any administration

President Trump has accomplished more than almost any administration Herland Report

  With the American media bent on destroying their own President, the charade of endless hearings before Congress and a whole nation focusing on impeachment, hearings, RussiaGate, President Donald Trump addresses the UN, outlining his policy that is so much fought against by the globalist elites who own the US media. America is currently divided by identity politics and fragmentation …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite