Samuel Huntington, the clash of civilizations and Libya

Following the 1993 publishing of the book “Clash of Civilizations?” by the political scientist Samuel Huntington, it has only become more evident how prescient his thesis was at this time when looking at the US’ foreign policy in the Middle East. Huntington hypothesized that in the decades following the end of the Cold War; political conflicts would be rooted in …

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Former president of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai: Extremism, heroin production exploded when US invaded

Hamid Karzai, RT, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Hamid Karzai: Billions of US dollars have been used to fight extremism, yet Islamic extremism is rampant more than ever before in Afghanistan. Why? Former President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai, speaks about these issues in this ground-breaking interview where he strongly condemns the detonation of America’s most powerful non-nuclear bomb on Afghan territory some time back. Hamid …

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The US dollar and the American War Machine – Tommy Hansen

American War Machine

  Herland Report: Tommy Hansen is a Danish, Berlin based journalist, founder of, a news site that hosts over 150 journalists’ work in Europe. In this Herland Report conversation, he speaks about the US dollar as an instrument of waging wars, a need that the US administration has had ever since the USD was decoupled from the gold standard. …

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Poet Kendrick Lamar – Brilliant analysis of the tragic downfall of the US, we are the barbarians of our time

Poet Kendrick Lamar - Brilliant analysis of the tragic downfall of the US

  Herland Report: One of the leading philosophical poets of our time, Kendrick Lamar, steadily give brilliant cultural analysis of the stadily growing ethnic strife in the US. It is quite incomprehensible for us who live outside the American culture that the US has not done more the past years to better the situation for the Afro-American population. In the West, we are …

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Paul Craig Roberts St. Petersburg Economic Forum Conference Speech

Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008: The notion of White Privilege is one of the most absurd fantasies in human history paul craig roberts

  This is the lecture I would have given if I had been able to accept the invitation to address the St. Petersburg Economic Conference in Russia this weekend, writes Dr.Paul Craig Roberts, one of the leading American political economists and a regular contributor at The Herland Report. Read exclusive articles and watch interviews here, and here, and here. If the …

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TV interview with Ron Paul: Everything the neo-conservatives do fails

Dr. Ron Paul Interview: Dr. Ron Paul exclusive: The elites have no empathy with the working class Herland Report

  Herland Report TV presents the first of four interviews with Dr. Ron Paul, former US presidential candidate, Congressman, famous Libertarian, author and founder of The Liberty Report. He states that “the American system is failing. The people who are on the defensive now are the people who believe in this superpower state. Even the neo-conservatives are on the defensive …

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Interview with the Founder of People Diplomacy Norway, Hendrik Weber on Donetsk

Zakharschenko People Diplomacy Norway, Hendrik Weber, Donetsk, Herland Report

  Herland Report: International geopolitics has brought Ukraine to the forefront of the international power game, fuelling ethnic strife and conflict. The Western mainstream coverage only presents one side of the Ukrainian civil war and the media coverage almost solely reflects the geopolitical perspectives and goals of the American Military Complex in the quest to dominate Europe’s Eastern borders. (Feature …

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Internet Freedom Shutting Down: West is new Soviet Union?

Internet Freedom Shutting Down Facebook

  Herland Report: Internet Freedom Shutting Down: As Facebook’s ultra Liberal Mark Zuckerberg again points out that Facebook will continue the change in policy towards “choosing which news content its viewers are to be allowed to watch.” The continued discrimination against conservative and anti-war sites, making sure they are not viewable on Facebook, represents the sovietization of the West. Who …

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Noam Chomsky: America is a falling star

Noam Chomsky: America as falling star:

  Herland Report: Noam Chomsky: America as falling star: Noam Chomsky, one of America’s leading intellectuals and a highly cited researcher, has advanced a depressing image of the USA as a nation that has evolved into a major cause of terror. For some time Chomsky has argued that the USA is not a democracy. It is in fact a one-party …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite