Flaring critique of the Norwegian Child Protective Services – Lars Storstrand, Herland Report


The Norwegian Child Protective Services face massive international criticism. Yet, the government does remarkably little to address the issues.

Case after case is steadily presented in the Norwegian media, horrifying stories spread across Europe about how families experience that their children are taken away from them, then returned after court cases where there was no evidence of abuse. The damage then done.

At The Herland Report we have addressed, some examples here, the problem in a series of articles and web-TV interviews, more to come in the weeks ahead.

Take the time to read Mr. Lars-Toralf Storstrand’s report on his experience below. We welcome the Norwegian Child Protective Services to send in their version of the story, if they object to the one presented here.

Statistical figures from 2016 tell us, that there in 2016 were as many as 54,620 children that were subjected to the Norwegian Child Protective Services. Many of them were children of foreign parents.


Norwegian Child Protective Services
Norwegian Child Protective Services.


Lars-Toralf Storstrand: Try and imagine this situation: It’s bright and early (alternatively just after midnight). You have gone to bed, perhaps just fallen asleep. Suddenly a knock on the door awakens you. You put on a dressing robe and get up to see what it is. Maybe the local priest has come to bring an urgent message of death in your immediate family? But no, priests usually call by phone for such messages.

Outside your door, once you open it there are two-four-six-eight or more uniformed policemen. Armed and dressed in SWAT gear: Kevlar vests, helmets. The whole nine yards.

They are here to take away your children.

Perhaps you’ve gotten a warning that you didn’t consider applicable to you? After all you are a law-abiding citizen in the country that the United Nations labels the «the country with the world’s best living conditions».

Then of course you might not have received any warning at all. Most don’t. And yes, it is true. Heavily armed police have been sent to absolutely unarmed people living in Norway, to get a hold of their children. There has been drawn comparison to East German Stasi, the Soviet KGB, the Romanian Securitate and even the German Gestapo. None of them are very far from the truth.

As for you, you have never even once mistreated your children. Nor have you abused them sexually. But you may have spoken loudly towards them or maybe you have breastfed them a month or two more than what is considered acceptable.

Maybe you will have written something on your Facebook wall that was a just provocative. Someone read what you wrote and clicked «like» on it. You might even received a few «likes» from friends and friends of friends. (At this point it is quite appropriate to quote what is written in the Jewish Talmud: «your friend has a friend, and your friends friend has a friend, be discreet»).



Then somebody was made aware of what you wrote and didn’t click «like». She got angry, simply didn’t like what you wrote. She considered that your wife breastfed your children too long, like the story of Amy Jakobsen, who got her son Tyler stolen, because she breastfed him still at 15 months.

That doesn’t mean that what you wrote was prohibited, dangerous, or even illegal. It doesn’t mean that you truly are a danger to the well-being of your children. That might be punishable by law in more countries than Norway.


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The problem is that Norway, this last generation, has developed into a society where the Norwegian Constitution, which in article 100 «freedom of press should occur» is being scorned and derided. Norwegian Child Protective Services.

«Freedom of press» looks very nice when written on or in a paper, but it is hardly ever considered that in a society where tolerance is adopted by law, it will be near impossible to have any kind of tolerance towards intolerance.

Thus we may ask how tolerant tolerance by law really is.  The truth it is there is nothing more intolerant than absolute tolerance. The truth is that a free society must accept even what it doesn’t like. There are other ways of fighting what is bad that through prohibition.

These days, no one cares if the truth actually might be in the public’s interest. Political issues are automatically counted to be «in the interest of the public».  That is the reason why so many politicians, when they are in office, hardly ever criticize publicly what they used to criticize before they came into office.

This applies to the Norwegian Child Protective Services too, since they quite a number of times have tried to put a stopper to any kind of criticism towards themselves whatsoever, in newspapers, Facebook or in the Blogosphere.

Many who get the Child Protective Services into their families, this writer included, is sternly warned not to write any kind of criticism about them or this specific case in either forum.

It doesn’t seem to matter that the fact that being a public servant or public person means that one should expect far greater attention from the press and other persons then the rest of us.

Why doesn’t the Norwegian Child Protective Services desire candidness about these cases? Is it really to protect those who are being investigated, or is it simply to protect their own?

To be in a public position means that one suffers greater responsibility. A public person can, for instance, not visit a whorehouse, nor can he lie, or use drugs. By this I don’t mean to claim that people who work in these Services are guilty of either, except of course for lying.

There are in existence taped documentation where people in the Services lies, even in my specific case. The problem is that in Norway there is no law that forbids perjury. So what are you going to do when the police come to your house driving four-five-six company cars, with commercial tape all over the side and the hood both back and front?

Actually there isn’t much you can do, except refer them to the Norwegian Constitution, article 102. No one, not even the police, nor Barnevernet can force themselves into your house without first having a valid verdict that says they can do so, because you are guilty of committing a crime. That means unless you allow them to cross the threshold and enter your house.

Never do that!

The police may not even remove any item (computers, etc.) from your house without at warrant from a judge or a verdict, lest you approve and let them.

Do not do that!

Surely this can’t happen in a country like Norway?

Or does it?

Yes it does happen. Statistical figures from 2016 tell us, that there in 2016 were as many as 54,620 children that were subjected to the Norwegian Child Protective Services. Many of them were children of foreign parents.

That was an increase of 1181 from 2015, which saw an increase of 351 from 2014. All this in a tiny country like Norway, a nation that has fewer citizens than many large cities around the world has.

Let us take a peek at a different statistic.

In 2014 Barnevernet received 52,966 letters of concern. Of these 11,029 were dismissed. Of the remaining 41,967; a rest of 17,310 cases were reviewed within the system. Of these 23,106 cases were dismissed. That means that in 2014 more than 64% of all cases of concern were dismissed without any verdict given.

Now, in the universe of Barnevernet, a case dismissed doesn’t truly mean dismissed. It simply means that there is no proof of wrongdoing. The case may be kept slumbering in the system, only to be reawakened, at a later point in time, if one finds some or other legal peg to hang it upon, and they will try again. I know from experience.

Do not accept this. Demand a verdict! Far better, I say, to have a potential accusation hanging over oneself for a brief time, like the famous sword of Damocles, than being judged erroneously.  Any verdict is final, judicially speaking. A dismissal is not.

Norwegian Child Protective Services. The current Norwegian Minister of Children and Equality, Linda Helleland, remains faithful in her steady protection of the current leadership in the Norwegian Child Protective Services, regardless of the massive amount of criticism, both nationally and internationally, of their work.

In 2015 there were 54,396 letters of concern. That is in itself an increase of 2.7% compared to the year before. Of these, 10,710 or 19% were dismissed out of hand. The total number of dismissals – shows us that close to 67% of all concerns ended in dismissals.

In 2016 the number of letters of concern had increased to 58,254. That means one letter of concern every ninth minute around the clock. That is an increase of more than 7% since the year before. All this, in a country where the annual increase in population is lower than 1.5%.

The number of letters of concern is five times as high.  Now, that is something to be concerned about.  Norway has developed into a nation of informants. Of these cases 17.75 percent was dismissed out of hand and the total number of dismissals were 37,429, which totals at 64.25%.

One might ask: when the number of dismissals are that high, shouldn’t it be considered as if there is something wrong somewhere further up the chain?

But what can be done? Many Norwegians are thinking, when they hear that Barnevernet have taken a child or children in their vicinity or neighborhood: «Where there’s smoke, there’s fire», but wait, and ask yourself: Does the numbers given, bear witness to that this is realistic interpretation? The fact is that in less than 10 years the number of messages of concern to Barnevernet alone has increased by almost 50%. That rather bears witness that Norway is developing into something out of Shakespeare’s Hamlet: Something is rotten in the kingdom of [Norway].

What is worse is that this happens close to 30 years after the communist states of Eastern Europe fell and they’re similar systems withered away. In Norway these same systems grows annually stronger.

What should you do?

Take your wife and kids out of Norway. But shut up about it.

Do not tell anyone. Not even your parents, your friends or your in-laws.

It actually might even be easier to find work somewhere else? Why not apply for political asylum somewhere? Who says that a westerner cannot apply for political asylum? There are plenty of countries to choose from. The most important thing is to get away from Norway. Get your children to safety before Barnevernet is beginning any form of judicial process.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a Norwegian citizen or not. Once a judicial process has been set in motion you will be counted as a criminal if you attempt take your children out of Norway, and out of reach of Barnevernet.

Do you hear me? This is what you should do, if you even catch a whiff of Barnevernet in your vicinity. Take your wife and your children and flee!

Or even better, if you are not Norwegian, and have children younger than 18, don’t bring them here in the first place. Your culture is most assuredly in conflict with the modern day Norwegian culture. Especially if you are religious minded. When even Norwegian citizens are fleeing for their lives, and for the lives of their children, do you think they care whether the children they take comes from any other country?

Finally: What can you do, who doesn’t live in Norway? Please, raise your voices in protest! Give Tyler back to Amy. Return the children of Dung Svalland to her, nine years later. Stop pursuing Christians. Stop Barnevernet from wrongful pursuance of families who has a different worldview than themselves.

Send a letter to Norway and Linda Helleland and demand that they Stop the Norwegian Child Protective Services, “Stop Barnevernet” (Mail address: Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet, Postboks 8036 Dep 0030 Oslo, Norway).

Send a thousand letters, ten thousand letters. Let them bathe in mail, until they can take no more! Norway has continually and is continually being judged in the European Human Rights Court in Strasbourg – but refuse to honor it, and keep breaking Human Rights every day.

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