Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite
boris johnson majority 2019

Boris Johnson considers halt in BBC TV License Fee: Too Much Socialist Bias


Herland Report: Is socialist bias what we get for paying millions to BBC and other state funded media structures? The British prime minister, Boris Johnson, is considering to de-criminalize the payment for the annual TV lisence that every Brit pays – almost as a mandatory tax – after the massive allegations of socialist bias post the election.

The close to demonization of the British prime minister during the election campaign was historic. It did not work, obviously, considering the massive turn out for the Conservatives.

But why do the British accept that what is to be a balanced, publicly funded media, such as the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), at large represents only one fragment of the public discourse, namely the socialists?

The BBC reportedly receives a funding of 207 USD pr. citizen, which accumulates to substantial sums of annual revenue for the British media giant.

During the election, Boris Johnson reportedly spoke about de-criminalizing non payment of the fee, having watched how the money is spent to fuel socialism to push for a Labour win. This is not what the TV License Fee was supposed to be used for.

If the BBC is an anti-Brexit and thereby anti-majority of the British people broadcaster, why should it be criminalized not to pay the TV license?


exitpolling UK boris johnson.
Financial Times.


The Daily Mail writes:

Boris Johnson is considering a move to decriminalise non-payment of the BBC licence fee in a move likely to further worsen relations between Number 10 and the broadcaster.

The Prime Minister hinted during the general election campaign that he wanted to scrap the licence fee as he questioned its long term viability.

And fresh after winning a massive Tory majority, Mr Johnson has instructed aides to undertake a review to look at whether people should still be prosecuted for failing to pay the £154.50 annual levy.

It comes after it was claimed that Downing Street has effectively banned ministers from appearing on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme because of concerns about alleged pro-EU bias.

The Tories did not put anybody up to go on the BBC’s flagship morning news show on Friday or yesterday, with a boycott expected to remain in place unless there is a noticeable change in approach.

Media surveys for the UK show that around 70 % of the British people do not trust the media. The British election demonstrated precisely this: The people are tired of the socialist bias, and simply do not listen anymore. The question remains: Why should the people be required to fund the BBC if balanced news are not served?


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