Norway: Total State Control over Media, Universities Erik Selle Herland Report

Norway: Dominating Socialist State Control over Media, Universities, NGOs


HTV: “Americans are wrong thinking Norway is the best system,” says Erik Selle. “In the US, people have very strange beliefs about the Nordic countries. They believe it is heaven over here. But in Norway, we have had a strong influence from socialism.”

“We have a very big government for a small country. The government is financing its own institutions, it finances the media, it finances the universities and it finances the NGOs. So, just image if there is much freedom here or actually very little.”

Norway: Total State Control over Media, Universities Herland Report
Norway: Dominating State Control over Media, Universities.

“Even if you go the universities and if you want to research topics that are not politically correct, you will not get funds for it,” states the president of the Africa-Israel Initiative, Erik Selle in this program with him. Watch it here.

He is a former military turned businessman  with work in 17 African countries, was born and raised in India and Nepal. Selle has an extensive international network.

Mr. Erik Selle points out: “Journalists paid by the state quit their jobs to enter the PR business. They are then re-hired by the state to help certain political groups succeed with their messages in the media.”

“So, we have established a total neo-Marxist and socialist information package control in the media and society that resembles countries we don’t want to be identified with.”

“These are countries where the same voices are financed from the same source; the government, in the media to the universities and the NGOs.”

The Herland Report is a Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcasts reaching millions yearly. Founded by historian and author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, it is a great place to watch interviews and read the work of leading intellectuals, thought leaders, authors and activists from across the political spectrum.

Norway: Dominating State Control over Media, Universities: Selle states: “Anytime you need an expert voice in Norway, you can always go to the academia or the NGOs and find somebody that is paid by the state and subscribes to New Left the political correctness of our time.

By that time, most people are checked mate because the expert will, of course, only say that which he knows to be in line with the government.”




“People lose the ability to stand out. One thing is the politicians, the other is all the journalists. 90 % of them come from the same socialist or Marxist background. The NGO expert is saying the same thing as the media, and you got some guy from the university saying the exact same thing. So, how are people going to think for themselves?”

“We are in a crisis when it comes to democracy.  We see now new media outlets like your own Herland Report and others. In fact, this is the only independent journalism we have. There is a great gap in Europe today between the ruling elites and the popular votes.”


Norway: Dominating State Control over Media, Universities: Erik Selle
Erik Selle points out: “Journalists paid by the state quit their jobs to enter the PR business. They are then re-hired by the state to help certain political groups succeed with their messages in the media. So, we have established a total neo-Marxist and socialist information package control in the media and society that resembles countries we don’t want to be identified with.”
“These are countries where the same voices are financed from the same source; the government, in the media to the universities and the NGOs.”


Norway: Dominating State Control over Media, Universities: Erik Selle continues: “It is utter stupidity taking hold over our society when it comes to Donald Trump’s presidency. I mean, the mainstream media in Norway today is like CNN all over the place. Every time you get independent voices, they try to stigmatize them either as alternative as preferably right-wing kind of extremists. Using words that has no content anymore.”

“The good thing is that Donald Trump won the presidency in the US. It put a stop to the one sidedness that was building up in the US. The presidents who come from the outside are usually the greatest. Look at Ronald Raegan. In my opinion, Trump is going to be a great president. Why? Because he came from the outside. He proved, whether you like him or not, that you can come outside the establishment in the democracy of the US and win the presidency.”

“In that way, democracy is more secured in the US than it is here in Nordic countries such as Norway. We have a political party system that requires you to spend your whole life climbing the political ladder upwards, inside the parties, in order to find your way to the main office.”

“Your whole career and payroll is dependent upon you reaching that goal or office. There is no way you will choose to break off from the expected, as your career certainly will be over.”

Erik Selle has worked for many years building businesses in Africa, after finished serving the military in Norway. He elaborates: “We are in the cross roads. There is no question about it. Globally, but also in Europe, we are in a hundred year cross road. What happens the next season a couple of years is going to define the next hundred years.”

“Either the globalists, the socialists and the multiculturalists are going to win or the common people are going to stand up for their freedom and their rights.”

“Like Brexit, for example. You hardly saw any constructive reports on the consequences of Brexit in the media. The international globalist, new liberalists, like Raegan said; “If dictatorship comes to the US it will come through liberalism”. That’s what we are seeing happening now.”

“Yet, the people are waking up, standing up to their freedoms. You see that in Brexit. The media all the time said that they need another referendum, there are only problems, it can never happen. They basically said  that if Trump became president, the stock market would crash, everything would go to hell so to speak.”

Under Trump, the stock markets are higher than ever. He has brought more jobs to the states than Obama ever did. The unemployment rate among blacks and Hispanics is historically low.”

“This again demonstrates that the financial responsibility that the conservative agenda, the Judeo – Christian values in politics created freedom whether you’re Latino, black or white, homosexual or heterosexual, man or woman. The ideal Christian values is based in the individuals ability to maximize the God given gifts that he gave to them. It creates the type of societies that we all want to live in.”


Norway: Total State Control over Media, Universities: herland Report banner
Norway: Dominating State Control over Media, Universities: The Herland Report is a Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcasts reaching millions yearly. Founded by historian and author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, it is a great place to watch interviews and read the work of leading intellectuals, thought leaders, authors and activists from across the political spectrum


Norway: Dominating State Control: “So, I am questioning why the mainstream media doesn’t have a broader perspective on things. Why don’t we see the potential that lies in Brexit? The potential of a Europe with free nations unified. Europeans are not taking a stand against a unified Europe, what we do not want is a federalist Europe or a super government.”

“We don’t want to be ruled by bureaucrats in Brussels. How can I bureaucrat in Brussel, a 25 year old bachelor from somewhere know what is best for the people north in Norway? Just now the Norwegian government is turning over our biggest resource of water and energy to a European system. We have an energy demanding industry that creates jobs in Norway. But the Norwegian government wants to give this over to the EU, so we have to buy back much more expensive energy. And we are not even members of the EU.”

“So what is going to happen to our industry? Taiwan, South Korea, the Tigers of Asia have demonstrated that if you have a nationalistic approach to business, to industrialization and protect your interests, you create nations that become financial locomotives. That becomes a blessing not only to their own people but other countries as well.”



The Herland Report Scandinavian news site and TV channel on YouTube has millions of readers/viewers yearly, featuring leading free thinkers, intellectuals, authors and activists from across the political spectrum. 

The Herland Report believes in freedom of speech and its editorial policy resides above the traditional Left vs Right paradigm which we believe has lost its relevance and ability to describe the current driving forces in Western politics.

The Herland Report is founded and hosted by Hanne Nabintu Herland, a Scandinavian historian of comparative religions, bestselling author, commentator and TV producer, known from the media for sharp analysis and fearless speech. She was born and raised in Africa, has lived in Europe, South America, in the Middle East, and traveled extensively in Asia. 

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