TV interview: Norse Viking Culture, Spiritual Runes, sorcery Raw Power - Lars Magnar Enoksen, Herland Report.

NEW TV SERIES: Norse VIKING Culture, Spiritual Runes, Raw Power – Lars Magnar Enoksen


Herland Report: Herland Report host for the TV series on YouTube about Norse Viking Culture and Raw Viking Power, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to author Lars Magnar Enoksen about Norse Religion, spiritual Runes, Glima wrestling and the old Scandinavian belief in Odin, Thor and the gods. Watch it here!

TV SERIES: Norse VIKING Culture, Spiritual Runes, Raw Power - Lars Magnar Enoksen
The VIKING series also features the world famous Viking chieftain, Georg Olafr Reydarsson in a fierce interview about the spectacular Viking Age.

We now celebrate 10 million views on YouTube in just a short while and release new interviews about the spectacular Viking Age.

Author Lars Magnar Enoksen says: “In the Norse Viking culture both sexes had equal powers and the women were strong and independent.”

“The spiritual values, the blood sacrifice and “seidur” – the sexual magic – and “galdur” – the screaming which craft was strong and excellent to hurt other people.”

He is a celebrated Viking era expert and Glima wrestling Master that travels the world speaking about the Viking Age Culture.

His emphasis is on Runes, the Norse Religion and the Nordic traditional fighting style Glima.

Enoksen represents some of the ideals within the modern Viking focus on heathen rituals.

Follow The Herland Report new VIKING series that focuses on the old Viking culture that famously expanded from the time period of 750 till 1100 AD.

We know this period now from the TV series “Vikings” and it is a thrilling period that engages many today in the steadily growing fascination with the Viking age.

The Norwegian band, Wardruna and Einar Selvåg rose to world wide fame describing the mystical Viking world in their music.



Enoksen says: “The spiritual aspects are very important because mostly people tend to speak about the interesting mythology and its stories, but it is this spiritual values that are clearly magical with the Norse culture.

The spiritual aspect with the blood sacrifice and “seidur” – the sexual magic – and the “galdur” – the screaming which craft is remarkable, it is actually is excellent to hurt other people.”

“The Vikings trained with “glima” wrestling and fighting. They were very well trained, but they also had the spiritual power, so that gave them extra strength.”


This is an article in a series as we address the Viking Age:


TV interview: Norse Viking Culture, Spiritual Runes, sorcery Raw Power - Lars Magnar Enoksen, Herland Report.
TV interview: Norse Viking Culture, Spiritual Runes, sorcery Raw Power – Lars Magnar Enoksen, Herland Report. Author and Glima wrestler, Lars Magnar Enoksen is a celebrated Viking era expert that travels the world speaking about the Viking Age Culture with emphasis on Runes, the Norse Religion and the Nordic traditional fighting style Glima.


“The blood is one of the most powerful liquids in the spiritual world. When they sacrificed the animals, they drank the blood to get the power from the animal. They also boiled it. It was called “sauda”. When they boiled it, it would be more like a sauna, like a sweat lodge.”

[pullquote]“In the Norse Viking culture both sexes had equal powers and the women were strong and independent. They could choose the lovers that they wanted, says Master in Glima wrestling, author on the Norse, heathen and “norrøn” religion, Lars Magnar Enoksen.”[/pullquote]

“So people were sweating, taking off their clothes and had raw, animalistic sex together to get this power from the gods. It was a culture, a spiritual culture where they worship the possibility of what a body can do and also it is lifted to a spiritual level.”

“So, even when hunting, killing a bull or a wolf or even some of the birds, the eagles and the falcons, it was the blood of these animals that made them more brave, more powerful.”

“We should not forget that in the Viking culture, women and men were on equal levels. Women did the fighting and the hunting too. There were the “shield maidens” and Valkyries.”

“It was a culture when both sexes had equal power and the women were strong and independent. They could choose the lovers that they wanted.”


TV interview: Norse Viking Culture, Spiritual Runes, sorcery Raw Power - Lars Magnar Enoksen, Herland Report.
TV interview: Norse Viking Culture, Spiritual Runes, sorcery Raw Power – Lars Magnar Enoksen, Herland Report. “We should not forget that in the Viking culture, women and men were on equal levels. Women did the fighting and the hunting too. There were the “shield maidens” and Valkyries.”


Glima Master, author, Lars Magnar Enoksen says: “It was only the best warriors that that went to Valhalla. They were chosen by the Valkyries. They were at the battles and chose those fighters that were best, for them to die.”

“It was also a way for the Viking culture to explain why also great fighters died in the battle. When it came to Valhalla, Freya, the goddess of lust, she took half of the warriors to the women’s place.”

“The other half went to Odin where they were eating a pork, flesh, meat to prepare for the last battle when they were going to die together with the gods.”

“When you see how the Vikings saw Odin, he was a lot like a sorcerer, a Shaman, a God of poetry, a “skald”. It was said that the way Odin spoke is what we call poetry now. If you can speak in a certain way, because the poetry in the Viking age had 101 different meters. One is the “galdur”, it is only repetitive, you repeat the beginning phrase like a mantra to gain more powers.”

“You actually chant and say what you want to become, that kind of poetry. Like you say in the modern music, it is the same idea. It is also because you desire something, to get something. You want to become invincible so no one can hurt you. You want to travel.”

“With the “galdur” you can actually go to another place and act out something what you want, you are able to do that.”

“The Nordic people at the time were famous because they have so many democratic laws and equality between the sexes, but yes, it was a brutal culture, because they have blood revenge and so on.”


TV interview: Norse Viking Culture, Spiritual Runes, sorcery Raw Power - Lars Magnar Enoksen, Herland Report. Herland Report YouTube banner
The Herland Report is a Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcasts reaching millions yearly. Founded by historian and author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, it is a great place to watch interviews and read the work of leading intellectuals, thought leaders, authors and activists from across the political spectrum.


The Herland Report is a Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcasts reaching millions yearly.

Founded by historian and author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, it is a great place to watch interviews and read the work of leading intellectuals, thought leaders, authors and activists from across the political spectrum.

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The Herland Report offers Independent Cultural Analysis and believes in freedom of speech. Its editorial policy resides above the traditional Left vs Right paradigm which we believe has lost its relevance and ability to describe the current driving forces in Western politics.

Hanne Nabintu Herland is a Scandinavian historian of comparative religions, bestselling author, commentator and TV producer, known from the media for sharp analysis and fearless speech.

She was born and raised in Africa, has lived in Europe, South America, in the Middle East, and traveled extensively in Asia.

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