Tag Archives: Bill Gates

COVID-19: Systemic corruption in Medical Organizations

COVID-19: Systemic corruption in Medical Organizations AFP ill

  Long-standing systemic corruption in medical organizations and medical schools, federal regulatory agencies and academic journals has led to a world where pseudoscience and misinformation rules. “Science for Hire,” produced by Gary Null, is a film that tackles some of the most critical scientific issues threatening the health and well-being of the U.S. public. Video Link. Elected officials and the …

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How Bill Gates and Partners Took Control Over Covid-19, causing shift in power from governments to non-governmental organizations

Bill Gates Warns of the Next Pandemic: Bill Gates and Partners Took Control Over Covid-19: Reuters

  Herland Report: Bill Gates and Partners Took Control Over Covid-19: A recent investigation into who joined forces behind the scenes to construct the Covid-19 response, shows that just four groups are behind the coordinated response. These groups took control over some of the most powerful Western nations and jointly helped by the mainstream media, steered the mainstream media narrative. …

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The Covid-19 Vaccine Scandal is Beyond Your Wildest Nightmare

Useless Covid-19 Face Masks: The Covid-19 Vaccine Scandal: Modern Atheist Religion: Dr. Fauci, Getty

  Herland Report: The Covid-19 Vaccine Scandal: The premise behind COVID shot mandates and vaccine passports was that by taking the shot, you would protect others, as it would prevent infection and spread of COVID-19. In early October 2022, during a COVID hearing in the European Parliament, Dutch member Rob Roos questioned Pfizer’s president of international developed markets, Janine Small, …

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COVID Jab Effects? Dramatic cancer and health conditions on the rise

Death From COVID Shots: PAHO photo

  Herland Report: COVID Jab Effects? In the wake of the COVID jab rollout and additional boosters, a number of health conditions are on the rise, including cancer, most notably cancers of the uterus, endometrial cancers, and very aggressive blood and brain cancers. Cancer has been on the rise for decades, thanks to dietary factors, but the COVID jabs appear to …

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Summing up COVID-19: Soaring Billionaire Profits while Governments plunged into Debt

Control global health: Bill Gates CEO Magazine Herland Report

  Herland Report: Soaring Billionaire Profits: The Covid-19 response demonstrates how billionaires today dominate and dictate politics, NGOs and the field of medicine. The fact that the richest among us made billions of dollars on the Covid-19 world tragedy while the world’s poor plunged into unimaginable poverty illustrates the deeply problematic effect of unregulated markets and billionaire dominated politics, writes …

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With puppet bureaucrat politicians, the super-rich class controls everything now

The coming hypothetical Disease X: Bill Gates dislikes Africa population growth: World Economic Forum

  Herland Report: The super-rich control everything: In the current U.S. political system, whoever is richest with the largest capital base seems to rule the nation, whichever motive drives him. His group buys the newspapers and thereby controls its content, manufacturing any desired consent, as Noam Chomsky would have put it. The careers of journalists and editors are dependent on …

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Controlling Energy Supply, Farmland, Real Estate means Controlling You

American Junk Food: Sam Jacobs, Ammo, Getty

Herland Report: Controlling Energy Supply: The technocratic elite, including both BlackRock CEO Larry Fink and Bill Gates, are pushing for “net zero” carbon emissions. While BlackRock is busy buying up houses, Gates is hard at work amassing farmland and is now the largest owner of farmland in the U.S. Gates is pushing for drastic, fundamental changes by 2030, including widespread …

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Dark stains on Anthony Fauci career as he will resign from his posts

Dark stains on Anthony Fauci: World Wide Tyranny: mRNA Jabs Shockingly Hazardous: Getty

  Herland Report: Dark stains on Anthony Fauci: On August 22, 2022, Dr. Anthony Fauci announced he will resign from his posts as director of the National Institutes for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — a position he’s held for 38 years — and chief medical adviser to the White House, come December. It appears Fauci is making sure to …

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Stanford professor Jay Bhattacharya: Lockdowns are worst public health mistake in 100 years

The Nouriel Roubini warning: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a prominent Stanford Medical School professor and health economist recently said in an interview that lockdowns are the “single worst public health mistake in a hundred years. The harm to people is catastrophic.” “I stand behind my comment that the lockdowns are the single worst public health mistake in the last 100 years,” Jay Bhattacharya …

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Was the Covid-19 disruption worth it? Useless lockdowns, useless PCR, the billionaires earned billions, the poor lost so much

Covid-19 disruption World Economic Forum Getty

  Herland Report: Was the Covid-19 disruption worth it? The richest among us have earned billions of dollars on the dramatic Covid-19 disruption. The pandemic has been a source of extremely valuable income for Big Pharma capital owners and destruction for predominantly the lower classes and the middle-class in so many ways, writes historian and author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of …

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