Tag Archives: Christianity

Atheism is New Religion based on Faith in the unseen

Big Brother and Totalitarian Control: Hanne Herland Report Hannah Arendt

  Herland Report: Atheism is New Religion: A remarkable disdain for traditional religion engulfs the West. It causes all kinds of demonization in the mainstream media against Christianity, religion and traditional values that once made the West such a great civilization. It becomes quite ironic that atheism, the new elite fashion, can easily be defined as a new religion, purely …

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Iben Thranholm: The world is not only political, but spiritual

The world is not only political but spiritual: Iben Thranholm Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): In a series of programs, we discuss religion and current affairs with the Danish journalist and theologian, Iben Thranholm. She states that an intolerant, small atheist minority elite controls popular culture today and dominate the majority views. 2-6 % in the world are atheists, yet in the current mainstream Western culture, they seem to have …

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Jesse Lee Peterson on ‘Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood

Healing America: jesse-Lee-Peterson-USA-The-Antidote.jpg

Herland Report: Healing America: In a nation increasingly ripped apart by political hatred, dysfunctional families and toxic ideologies, Americans are desperately in need of an antidote, writes WND. From a perhaps unlikely place, here comes some fantastic medicine for what is ailing America. It’s “The Antidote: Healing America From the Poison of Hate, Blame and Victimhood” by Jesse Lee Peterson. Indeed, Jesse …

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Religion and the Meaning of Life

Mental Health: The Meaning of Life: Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Meaning of Life: One thing is certain: We shall all die. None of us will survive the hardships of this world. We ultimately leave this world and the physical body is buried in a grave. The terrifying question is: What will happen to us after death? Will we be greeted by demons or angels, or eternal …

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The Black Lives that Don’t Matter at All: African Christians Murdered in Churches

The Black Lives that Don’t Matter: Nigerian Christians mourning after another fatal church attack in 2018. Raymond Ibrahim.

  Herland Report: The Black Lives that Don’t Matter: Last Sunday, June 5, 2022, Islamic terrorists stormed the St. Francis Catholic Church in Ondo, Nigeria, and massacred more than 50 Christians who were otherwise peacefully worshipping their God. Videos, according to one report, “showed church worshippers lying in pools of blood while people around them wailed.” As terrible as this massacre might seem, …

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Hanne Herland interviewed about her book “NEW LEFT TYRANNY. The Authoritarian destruction of our way of life”

Se YouTube intervjuet om min nye bok "New Left Tyranny" med Iben Thranholm, Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: Hanne Herland interviewed about her book: Watch the recent interview with the Danish journalist, Iben Thranholm about the new book “New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian destruction of our Way of Life”. Buy the book New Left Tyranny from bestselling author, Hanne Herland here.At the very pinnacle of economic crisis, bestselling author, historian and WND columnist Hanne Nabintu Herland is out …

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Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: The failings of human consciousness, deprived of its divine dimension, is determining factor in all major crimes of this century

Soviet Atheist Repression Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: Cinema

  Herland Report: The Christian thinker, novelist and Nobel Prize laureate 1970, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn spoke vividly about the meaning of the repressive atheist experiment in the Soviet Union. Solzhenitsyn is referred to as the symbol of the contemporary Orthodox Christian revival in Russia, as he experienced more than sixty years of suffering under the harsh Soviet regime and came out undefeated …

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Feelings replaced Faith in America, says Dr. Chuck Crismier

Chuck Crismier Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Chuck Crismier about Christianity in America, authoritarian atheism and the end of democracy. Today, the Christian faith is remarkably demonized in the West, as hedonism and anarchy seems to be the Western ideal. Yet, history shows that our founding values based on equal rights, human rights, the compassion with the poor and …

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Atheist Extremism and Intolerance in Europe – Mohammad Usman Rana

Atheist Extremism and Intolerance in Europe. Mohammad Usman Rana

  Herland Report host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Dr. Mohammad Usman Rana about atheist extremism and intolerance in Europe of Christians, Muslims and Jews in the mainstream culture. He also addresses the growth if Islam in Europe, the need to defend Christianity and respect for religious freedom. Watch it here. Dr. Mohammad Usman Rana is a Norwegian columnist, author, medical …

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