Tag Archives: Christianity

Aggressive secularism persecutes Christians in Europe, Sergej Lavrov

Sweden Rape Capital of the West Herland Report

  Herland Report: It is remarkable to see how Russian Foreign Minister, Sergej Lavrov is vocal in the support for Christianity and the respect of religions, while European political leaders  steadily make the point of omitting references to Europe’s religious heritage and traditional values, precisely the foundation that once made the West a great civilization. The world is truly changing …

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Konservatisme må gjeninnføres i Norge, sier Hanne Nabintu på Oslo Symposium

Russia Christian Revival: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Konservatisme må gjeninnføres i Norge, sier Hanne Nabintu Herland: Større respekt for mangfold, ulike måter å leve på, religionsfrihet, respekt for majoritetens oppfatninger, folkestyre og for de tradisjonelle europeiske verdiene. Det kan ikke være en liten gruppe minoriteter som skal ha påkjørsrett på resten av befolkningen. Den sosialistiske venstresidens likhetstyranni krever en sterk konsensus tenkning, dette kombinert …

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Jesus is King Kanye West is a Full Frontal Attack on Liberal Tyranny

Kanye West on Ellen Hanne Herland

  Herland Report: Kanye West new album Jesus is King is a full frontal rebellion against the Liberal and hedonist Tyranny we currently face in the West. Let me predict he will be hated and scorned in the mainstream media and loved by the public. He could not have possibly embarked on a worse revolt against the current nihilist culture that …

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PODCAST with Dr. Reginald Davis: The US Empire is Falling

Reginald Davis Hanne Herland Report

  Herland Report Podcast host, Hanne Herland speaks with Dr. Reginald Davis about the faltering state of the United States, globalist elites and the US empire. Dr. Davis is a professor at multiple universities, author, frequent radio guest and lecturer all over America, pastor of the historic First Baptist Church in Virginia.  “When one looks at the rise and decline …

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Kanye West Grand Slam: Jesus is King, Masterpiece Album

Kanye West Volcano Herland Report

  Herland Report: Kanye West’ new album, Jesus Is King, demonstrates yet again the ingenuity of this remarkable musician and true rebel in modern America. In a steady flow of surprising turns, Kanye West again shocks the world by using the very worst and demonized taboo word currently in the Western hedonist narrative: Jesus is King. Kanye West could not …

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EXCLUSIVE: Norwegian celebrity, Kari Jaquesson in war torn Syria

Kari Jaquesson

  Herland Report: Many, and especially today, are fearful of breaking out of the safe spot – the “politically correct” sphere – and stand up for what they believe in. If they do, the risk for public punishment is high, alienation, slander in the media and so on.  We proudly present an interview with Norwegian TV star, Kari Jaquesson, who …

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Christianity is African Religion, the West is Hedonism

Erik Selle Christianity is African Religion, the West is Hedonism:

  Herland Report TV (HTV): Christianity is African Religion, the West is Hedonism:”There is a strong anti-Christian sentiment within the European media establishment and the elites. Russia chooses the opposite path by strengthening Christian Orthodoxy as the cultural fundament,” states the president of the Africa-Israel Initiative, Erik Selle, who has work in 17 African countries. He was born and raised …

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Christians are under Persecution siege across the world

Getty Christians are under siege across the world, Herland Report

  Herland Report: It is estimated that about one-third of the globe’s population suffers from religious persecution. By the numbers, Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world. We are seeing mass exoduses of Christians from Middle Eastern countries in which they are indigenous inhabitants. An Italian study calculates that in 2016, a Christian was killed for his or her …

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TV interview with Ray Bady: Everybody is looking for love and acceptance

TV interview with Ray Bady: Everybody is looking for love and acceptance Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): “What’s happened with social media is that it has become an entity that is taking over us, rather than us taking over it and using it for that which is good,” says reverend Ray Bady in this program, a famous musician who worked with the leading Chicago music producers before becoming a pastor. He is …

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