Tag Archives: Christianity

Prince Charles Moving Speech on horrifying Christian Persecution

Prince Charles Moving Speech on the horrifying Christian Persecution Herland Report

  Herland Report: Prince Charles has again spoken out about the persecution Christians world wide, as he did last year at Easter. He also addressed the Christchurch mosque terror attack and spoke about forgiveness as a healing power. To many who have addressed this issue for many years, seemingly to no avail as the mainstream media has given little attention …

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Interreligious talks: The lesson of St. Francis of Assisi, Raymond Ibrahim

Interreligious talks: The lesson of St. Francis of Assisi, Raymond Ibrahim

  Herland Report: Vatican News recently announced Pope Francis’ upcoming “Apostolic Journey to Morocco, whose theme is hope.”  Before spending March 30-31 in Morocco, Francis is also scheduled to visit the United Arab Emirates.  “Pope Francis will meet the leader of Moroccan Muslims,” Vatican Newscontinues, “800 years after the meeting between St. Francis of Assisi and Sultan al-Malik al-Kāmil of Egypt.” Francis has been …

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America is cheering for the death of their own culture #Abortion

America is cheering for the death of their own culture #Abortion

  Herland Report: Virginia’s Democratic governor Ralph Northam stands by his support of abortion up to the point of birth which apparently includes while the woman is delivering. “No, I don’t have any regrets,” he says. Northam says that women have the right to be executioners and should be able to determine whether their born-alive infant should live, writes one …

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Liberal War on Christmas: Banning those who celebrate Jesus birth?

christmas Jesus For Millions Of Americans, No Money No Christmas In 2020:

  Herland Report: Liberal War on Christmas: Banning those who celebrate Jesus birth? The Christmas season is unquestionably the most festive time of the year for Americans, celebrated across the nation by persons of all walks of life and political beliefs. Even those without strong religious beliefs join in the festivities of a season dedicated to sharing, helping the less …

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Why Eastern European Nations Reject Muslim Migrants

Why Eastern European Nations Reject Muslim Migrants NBC

  Herland Report: Raymond Ibrahim: What accounts for the stark difference between how Western and Eastern European nations respond to Muslim migrants?  The former—including Great Britain, Germany, and Scandinavia—have been welcoming, whereas the latter—including Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia—have not, often vociferously so. Part of the answer, which may surprise some, revolves around history: Eastern European nations have a long and intimate …

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Forfalskning av Koranen pågått i langvarige prosesser – Trond Ali Linstad

Forfalskning av Koranen pågått i langvarige prosesser - Trond Ali Linstad Herland Report

  Herland Report: Trond Ali Linstad er en kjent muslim i Norge. Han har i mange år hatt TV programmer om Koranen og forklarer i denne artikkelen at forfalskningen av Koranen har pågått i langvarige prosesser. Dette er viktig å ha kunnskap om, nettopp fordi vår tid preges av en markant islamsk ekstremisme, som Linstad sier er u-islamsk og politisk …

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Islam versus Western culture 1500 year battle? Raymond Ibrahim Sword and Scimitar

Islam versus Western culture 1500 year battle? Raymond Ibrahim Sword and Scimitar

  Herland Report: Raymond Ibrahim’s Sword and Scimitar is a history of landmark battles between Islam and the West. Ibrahim offers eight representative engagements across time and space from France to the Middle East, and over a millennium from 636 to 1683. The study is first and foremost riveting military history. It offers blowby-blow concise accounts of the eight battles, and …

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The Siege of Vienna, 1683: Will Islam overtake Europe after all? – Raymond Ibrahim

How Islam Overcame the West: Islamic Religious Syncretism: Istanbul, Hagia Sophia, Turkey

  Herland Report: Earlier this month, when Polish lawmaker Dominik Tarczyński was asked how many “refugees” Poland has taken in, he flatly responded: “Zero.”  When the British interviewer, whose nation has taken in millions of Muslim migrants, scoffed, “And you’re proud of that?” Tarczyński  responded: “We will not receive even one Muslim, because this is what we promised… this is …

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