Tag Archives: civil war

Hanne Nabintu Herland Interviewed by RT Worlds Apart

Hanne Nabintu Herland Interviewed by RT

  Hanne Nabintu Herland Interviewed by RT: RT is one of the world’s largest TV stations, reaching around 700 million. Watch “Worlds Apart” where I speak about the Western liberal utopianism that permeates the Western idealistic foreign policy and causes the naivity that led to the Western misinterpretation of “the Arab Spring”, calling it a “Spring” rather than an “Arab Winter”. …

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Palermo: Hard to make peace in Libya without Saif al-Islam Gaddafi

Saif al Islam Gaddafi El Lindro

  Herland Report: The Libyan situation is still a chaos, seven years after NATO intervened in 2011 and overthrew the Yamahiriyya and killed Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Since then civil war broke out, shocking media lies in 2011 were revealed and today various militia groups hold the population hostage in a terror regime few thought possible a few years ago. (Feature …

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Identity Politics’ Racism errors: We are taught to hate each other

USA image

  Herland Report: Paul Craig Roberts: I heard a black historian on NPR say that the “civil war” was fought in order to establish a framework for human rights. He also said that black civil rights achieved by the war were overturned by the rollback of Reconstruction, put back in place by the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and was now …

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Syria: Médecins Sans Frontières only reprint White Helmets, writes Tim Hayward

Modern Man needs Religion: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: In a series of articles, professor Tim Hayward at the University of Edinburgh has examined in The Herland Report how the Western audience has been mislead on Syria. In this article: Médecins Sans Frontières. MSF had no independent access to verifiable information from Syria. None of MSF’s international doctors have been on the ground in Syria’s war …

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Horrifying militia rule in Libya post #NATOwar 2011 – Linda Ulstein

Field marshall Khalifa Haftar EPA Libya.

  Herland Report: “The security situation in Libya is catastrophic. It is a massive international scandal. The NATO supported military coup in 2011 opened up the flood gate for horror”, states human rights activist for the prisoners in Libya, the Algerian Linda Ulstein in an exclusive interview with The Herland Report. states the official Spokesperson for the Libyan Tribes, Mrs. …

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Growing Turkish involvement in Gaza and Jerusalem – Pinhas Inbari


Turkey, which supports Hamas, has a growing presence in east Jerusalem, as seen by the Turkish flags flying there. Its influence can even be seen in local restaurants and clothing stores, writes Pinhas Inbari, a veteran Arab affairs correspondent. Turkish support for Hamas also explains the appearance of Turkish flags among Palestinian protesters in the Gaza fence confrontation. Turkey is …

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Interview with Eva Thomassen, Norway’s only war reporter in Syria

Eva Thomassen Herland Report

  Interview with Eva Thomassen, Norway’s only war reporter in Syria: At The Herland Report, we strive to acquire knowledge about all sides in a conflict, here the Syria war. What has angered many in the West is the biased and one-sided coverage of the Syria war in the mainstream media.  Is the media no more than a propaganda channel …

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Interview with the Founder of People Diplomacy Norway, Hendrik Weber on Donetsk

Zakharschenko People Diplomacy Norway, Hendrik Weber, Donetsk, Herland Report

  Herland Report: International geopolitics has brought Ukraine to the forefront of the international power game, fuelling ethnic strife and conflict. The Western mainstream coverage only presents one side of the Ukrainian civil war and the media coverage almost solely reflects the geopolitical perspectives and goals of the American Military Complex in the quest to dominate Europe’s Eastern borders. (Feature …

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