Tag Archives: clinton foundation

Libya was Hillary Clinton’s War – Julian Assange to John Pilger

Julian Assange Herland Report AP

  Listen to British award winning journalist, John Pilger in conversation with Assange. WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange says Libya was Hillary Clinton’s War and speaks of the events that took place when the Libya war began in 2011, and what the leaked emails have revealed: “Clinton perceived the removal of Gaddafi and the overthrow of the Libyan state as something …

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Norway pays millions to Clinton Foundation, Børge Brende appointed president of World Economic Forum


  Herland Report: The Norwegian Conservative Party is continuing the Labour Party trend of donating billions of taxpayers money into the international US establishment controlled projects, such as The Clinton Foundation – and receiving great benefits on the international stage. The Conservative Party Foreign Minister, Borge Brende, is now appointed to the position of President of the World Economic Forum …

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George Soros til 60 Minutes: “Lett for meg å hjelpe nazistene”

Facebook Censorship Board Ties to George Soros: George Soros Duran Herland Report

  Herland Report: Verdens mest kjente investor, George Soros var Clinton’s største støttespiller. Hør den jødiske ateisten fortelle, George Soros til 60 Minutes hvor lett det var for ham som 14 åring å hjelpe nazistene å konfiskere eiendommer og eiendeler til ungarske jøder som akkurat hadde blitt sendt til konsentrasjonsleire. Soros minnes, i intervjuet, sitt samarbeid med nazistene uten å …

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Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi, Clinton Foundation under investigation

Hillary Clinton lied about Benghazi, Clinton Foundation under investigation Chris J. Farrell: Hillary Clinton ran criminal enterprise from the White House: Herland Report

   Herland Report: The continuous biased media support for notorious liar Hillary Clinton illustrate deeply problematic trends in the Western media. Journalists and editors who were supposed to report as objectively as possible now function as propaganda megaphones for the non-democratic American elites, writes historian of comparative religions, author and founder of The Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland, first published …

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Notorisk løgner Hillary Clinton og ensidig norsk presse

Jonas Gahr Støre Hillary Clinton Hadja Tajik Anniken Huitfeldt

  Notorisk løgner Hillary Clinton: Et hovedproblem ved norsk presse er at omtrent alle avisene mener det samme.  Det virker som om gruppepresset og konsensustenkningen innad i media nå er så sterk at nesten ingen våger å stikke nakken ut og mene noe annet enn det «gutteklubben grei» har bestemt, skriver Hanne Herland i en gjesteblogg på Nettavisen. “Gutteklubben grei” …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite