Tag Archives: CNN

Seasonal flu kills many more than Covid-19, yet nobody talks about it

Canada: Tens of thousands march in protest against Corona Tyranny, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Seasonal flu kills many more than Covid-19:  The media seems to only report Covid-19 related deaths, but do not compare these numbers with regular seasonal influenza. If that was done, everyone would see that regular influenzas kill many more than Covid-19 so far has done. 650 000 people die yearly of a regular influenza, according to the …

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CNN suddenly admits Trump had massive economic gain

Suddenly CNN admits Trump had massive economic gain: AFP

  Herland Report: Suddenly, CNN and the mainstream media admits the massive economic gains since president Trump took office, stating all the gains from 2016 onward are now lost, as first pointed out by Bespoke Investment Group. The years under Trump, CNN has complained, vilified, demonized, ridiculed the president. There was no end to how horrible Trump was, the European …

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The Panic Fear of Corona is the new 9/11, Russia gains

Gangster Capitalism and Soros: Nasdaq: The Displacement of the Straight White Male:blogspot

  Herland Report: The Panic Fear of Corona is the new 9/11: The panic fear of the Sars Coronavirus COVID-19, not the virus itself, may be the very element that brings about the upcoming major economic decline and restructuring of ownership all across the West. [pullquote]The geopolitical shift caused by the fear created in 9/11 still shakes the world, the …

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CNN producer John Bonifield: “Russia narrative is bullsh*t, CNN covers Russia only because it gives good ratings”

Herland Report: In retrospect of the Russia Gate/Russian collusion turning out to be hoax, we revisit this Herland Report article from 2017: CNN supervising producer, John Bonifield, who has worked for CNN for 15 years, says: “The Russia story is basically bullsh*t, it’s mainly bullsh*t right now, we don’t have any giant proof. I just feel that they don’t really have …

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Thank God CNN the Lie Factory Is Collapsing

Mass Disinformation: Only 29 % trust US media: Herland Report

  CNN the Lie Factory abandoned journalism and became a propaganda ministry for the Democratic National Committee and the corrupt upper echelons of the CIA and FBI.  After three years of telling the most outrageous lies ever associated with an alleged news organization in an alleged democracy, CNN’s viewership collapsed.    CNN turned propaganda ministry saw its primetime viewers shrink …

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CNN, all lies, year after year #RussianCollusion

TV Interview: Racial awareness weakens America - Woodley Auguste

  A Fox News headline read: “CNN fires back at Trump, stands by controversial story: ‘CNN does not lie.’” (Brian Flood, Aug. 30) Oh really? So, CNN does not lie, writes Mychal Massie, who is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center, a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. First published at WND. We know that the …

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Obama War president got Nobel Peace Prize

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland: Many hoped for peace when Barack Obama won the USA election in 2008. In Europe, everyone was satisfied by USA’s progressive choice and thrilled to be rid of Republican George Bush. It definitely added to the thrill that Obama was a man of color, which led to Obama being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize …

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CNN says “US won the victory over ISIS” – SITE Intelligence Institute

  Herland Report: “The last ISIS fighters in Raqqa have been killed or surrendered, and the terror group that once held territory the size of the United Kingdom and ruled over 10 million people has been pushed back to a few dusty towns straddling the Syrian border with Iraq”, writes CNN,. Completely downplaying the work of the Syrian Arab Army, …

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Dishonest CNN says Russia Gate is not true, American public is stupid

Book Review: New Left Tyranny attacks neo-Marxism for destabilizing West, New Left Tyranny, Hanne Nabintu Herland Report

  Herland Report: Undercover tapings do serve to demonstrate the ideals behind the smokescreens in the media. Recently, a CNN producer, Jimmy Carr, was caught on tape by Veritas, describing the American public as “stupid as sh¤¤”. The undercover taping of what CNN producers are saying when off camera demonstrate the highly unethical attitudes. Another CNN producer, Bonifield, stated that …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite