Tag Archives: Cold War

My Memories of Henry Kissinger: A different Interpretation of the Man

My Memories of Henry Kissinger AP: Paul Craig Roberts, Henry Kissinger, Indiana Express

  Henry Kissinger at 100 years of age left the world he temporarily altered for the better after watching the neoconservatives in the Clinton, George W. Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden regimes wipe out his accomplishments. My Memories of Henry Kissinger: Kissinger was not a neoconservative who believed in US hegemony over the world.  He believed in stability.  American power was to …

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The United States Could Easily Lose the New Cold War

The United States Could Easily Lose: Geneva 2021: Reuters

  Herland Report: The United States Could Easily Lose: Since the United States seems serious about confronting China in an extended contest for global supremacy, it had better start getting its own house in order. Other countries will not want to ally themselves with a power that rests on increasingly uncertain economic, social, and political foundations. In seeking the world’s …

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How the Cold War Was Resurrected post Gorbachev

Cold War Resurrected: Mikhail Gorbachev Getty

  Herland Report: Cold War Resurrected: My obituary of Gorbachev brought interview requests from three major Russian media organizations. At the risk of being labeled “a Russian agent” I accepted. It was an interesting experience. Russians tend to see NATO on Russia’s border’s as Gorbachev’s fault for not getting in writing the George H. W. Bush administration’s guarantee that NATO …

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Did the United States Win the Cold War, or who will?


  Herland Report: According to popular consensus, by 1991 the USSR lost the Cold War. However, it may be that the USSR’s ‘loss’ and subsequent emergence of the Russian Federation put Russia ahead of the game. If the United States had truly won the Cold War, NATO would be history, and the US would have turned its swords to plowshares. …

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45 years on, US Intelligence Rehabilitates a Major Cold War Failure

Mile Markers of Tyranny: Losing Our Freedoms from 9/11 to COVID-19, Herland Report, CIA

  Herland Report: Steve Brown: 45 years on, US Intelligence Rehabilitates a Major Cold War Failure: There are several CIA theories about what happened to Soviet defector Nick Shadrin after his disappearance in 1975, none particularly credible. Shadrin (true name: Nikolai Artamonov) was a Soviet defector to the West, a US intel asset secretly working for the KGB. In other …

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The Trump Doctrine and the End of the neo-con ‘New World Order’ – Seth Frantzman

The Trump Doctrine and the End of the neo-con ‘New World Order’ - Seth Frantzman

  Herland Report: “Setting fire to the ground,” a “major catastrophe,” bringing “new instability” are the headlines that have greeted Donald Trump’s unorthodox decisions over the past year. Withdrawing from UNESCO, moving the US Embassy, leaving the Iran deal and cutting funding to UNRWA and funding for Pakistan were seen as extreme decisions in the Middle East and around the world. Insofar …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite