Tag Archives: Deep State

EXCLUSIVE: Senator Richard Black Interview on how Endless Wars destroy America

EXCLUSIVE: Senator Richard Black Interview on how Endless Wars destroy America. Photo Herland Report

  Herland Report TV host, Hanne Herland speaks with US Senator Richard Black about how the endless wars destroy America, Deep State military complex, corruption and the prospects of world peace. We also address Libya, Syria, Yemen. Senator Black is a Vietnam veteran, former prosecutor US Army and director at the Pentagon. His impressive track record covers a career as …

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COVID-19 pandemic has propelled us into a whole new global frontier

Liberals want a Race War: Herland Report, Getty

  Herland Report: The COVID-19 pandemic has propelled us into a whole new global frontier. Those hoping to navigate this interconnected and highly technological world of contact tracing, vaccine passports and digital passes will find themselves grappling with issues that touch on deep-seated moral, political, religious and personal questions for which there may be no clear-cut answers. We are about to …

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A New World Order Brought to You by COVID-19

No reason to panic for Omicron: Getty

  Herland Report: A New World Order Brought to You by COVID-19: “A psychotic world we live in. The madmen are in power.”― Philip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle. For good or bad, COVID-19 has changed the way we navigate the world. It is also redrawing the boundaries of our world (and our freedoms) and altering the playing field …

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Corrupt politicians and foreign governments bankrupt America

Exclusive interview John Whitehead: Herland Report

  Herland Report: John Whitehead: Our nation is being preyed upon by a military industrial complex that is propped up by war profiteers, corrupt politicians and foreign governments. America has so much to offer—creativity, ingenuity, vast natural resources, a rich heritage, a beautifully diverse populace, a freedom foundation unrivaled anywhere in the world, and opportunities galore. And yet our birthright …

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The Subversive, Silent Coup to Ensure Nothing Changes

The Subversive, Silent Coup to Ensure Nothing Changes: Getty, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The Silent Coup to Ensure Nothing Changes: No doubt about it: the coup d’etat was successful. That January 6 attempt by so-called insurrectionists to overturn the election results was not the real coup, however. Those who answered President Trump’s call to march on the Capitol were merely the fall guys, manipulated into creating the perfect crisis for the Deep …

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The US Election Has Already Been Hijacked and the Winner Decided: ‘We the People’ Lose

The American collapse of traditional values: Herland Report

  Herland Report:  Republicans and Democrats alike fear that the other party will attempt to hijack this election, while the US Election Has Already Been Hijacked and the Winner Decided. President Trump is convinced that mail-in ballots are a scam except in Florida, where it’s safe to vote by mail because of its “great Republican governor.” The FBI is worried about foreign hackers continuing to …

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The Jewish question: Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews?

Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? Carneval in Belgium, 2020.

  Herland Report: Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? As the pre-war caricatures of Jews again permeate Europe, Hanne Nabintu Herland ponders why Marxists and Socialist always seem to hate the Jews and Israel.  To cite Benny Avni in the New York Post: “Carnival marchers in the Belgian town of Aalst were dressed up as Jewish caricatures, as if …

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Herland Report upcoming exclusive interview with US Senator Richard Black

Senator Richard Black Hanne Herland Report Interview

  The Herland Report proudly presents upcoming exclusive interview with US Senator Richard Black. The Vietnam veteran, former US Army prosecutor and director at the Pentagon. Colonel Richard Black, kindly allowed us to speak with him for several hours. The outcome of these conversations will soon be published at The Herland Report news site and TV channel on YouTube. We …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite