Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite
Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? Carneval in Belgium, 2020.

The Jewish question: Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews?


Herland Report: Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? As the pre-war caricatures of Jews again permeate Europe, Hanne Nabintu Herland ponders why Marxists and Socialist always seem to hate the Jews and Israel. 

To cite Benny Avni in the New York Post: “Carnival marchers in the Belgian town of Aalst were dressed up as Jewish caricatures, as if lifted from the pages of the crude Nazi-era weekly Der Sturmer. They had long, crooked noses, Hasidic hats, rat tails, men clad in SS uniforms marched alongside with cheering crowds.”

[pullquote]Maybe Karl Marx’ aim was to kill the West, and maybe he has succeeded in precisely that. Self-hatred normally produces self-destruction.[/pullquote]

In search for the origin of the hatred against Jews, Karl Marx, who defined much of the Leftwing world view, is essential.

To this day, the inexplicable singling out of one particular ethnic group as hate object – Jews and their nation state Israel – permeate the very central structures of socialism, the neo-Marxist New Left and other world views originating from Marxism.

The all too often notion is that whatever Israel does, it “is always evil” and whatever Jews do “is always wrong”. The innate racism against one particular ethnic group is strangely permissible to the Left, which hypocritically argues that it has always fought against – racism.

As nostalgia for the 1930s Germany return to Europe, the Left wing disdain for Jews and Israel permeate yet again the narrative, writes author, historian of comparative religions and founder of The Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland.

Feature photo and below from a carneval in Aalst, Belgium, ridiculing Jews openly, yet again, with anti-Semitic floats, revelers dressed in Nazi costumes and Jews depicted as ants.


Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? Carneval in Belgium, 2020.
Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews?  Carnival marchers in the Belgian town of Aalst were dressed up as Jewish caricatures, as if lifted from the pages of the crude Nazi-era weekly Der Sturmer. They had long, crooked noses, Hasidic hats, rat tails, men clad in SS uniforms marched alongside with cheering crowds.


Karl Marx’ dislike for Jews permeated his ideology


Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? Karl Marx, the founder of Marxism in all its forms such as communism, socialism, National Socialism in Germany and neo-Marxism as found in the 1960s New Left, was a Jew.

His father was a rabbi from a long line of religious Jewish leaders, yet Marx forcefully rebelled against his own and became the most influential atheist thinker in demolishing traditional, historical values in the West.

His followers set out on a rampant authoritarian spree aimed at eradicating the historical European culture and creating the notion that everything traditional Western is an abomination.




Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? Karl Marx, father of Marxism.
Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? Karl Marx, considered to be the most influential philosopher in the 20th century, who succeeded in almost destroying the West.

The New Left 1960s movement is characterized by actively discriminating and repressing traditional majority views.

This was the method prescribed to quench the rebellion against the new virtues:

Free sex, free drugs, free abortion, no religion and the revolt against historical values.

Its leaders called themselves neo-Marxists.

Intentional or not, Marx’ thought of bloody revolution and the forceful removal of the ruling classes with a new, atheist elite, produced a hard core Leftwing movement that have continued its master’s benign view on Judaism and all things Jewish.


Rising anti-Jewish sentiments in Europe


Again, New York Post: “Men in Nazi uniforms and women in concentration camp pajamas also marched last week in another European town, Campo de Criptana in Central Spain. Oh, and music bands performed in full Nazi regalia in Croatia, Ukraine and elsewhere.”

According to a recent study in which 14 000 Europeans participated, one fourth said Europe has too many Jews.

Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the UK Labour Party recently faced backlash over his heated anti-Israeli speech crossing over into anti-Semitism.

Bernie Sanders, the socialist who refused to attend AIPAC, with infamous hate speech agitators such as Linda Sarsour in his flock, even flew to the UK to help Corbyn.

No doubt, Israel, Netanyahu, orthodox Jews and others obviously make mistakes and are rightfully subjected to criticism.

It is also true that many Jews deem any criticism as “anti-Semitism” just as homosexuals often do: If faced with criticism, it is instantly labelled as “homophobia”. When a liar is a liar, he needs to be told he is a liar, without his sexuality or ethnic origin determining the outcome.

Legitimate critical discussion set aside, Left wing sympathizers all too often have one particularity in common: A remarkable disdain for anything Jewish, Judaic or Israeli.


Marx hated religion and Judaism


Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? Marx hated religion. He even wrote a book On the Jewish Question denouncing Judaism and deemed religion the opium of the people.

To him, religion was the impotence of the human mind to deal with occurrences it cannot understand. As an atheist, he naturally denounced the existence of a spiritual world and thus lacked the capabilities to describe it.

Ironically enough, his disciples in the 1960s New Left hippie movement apparently were still deeply in need for some opium, and fight to this very day to legalize narcotics.

In this, the authoritarian New Left go hand in hand with the top owners of the billion dollar drug industry, where Afghanistan alone supports over 90 % of world heroin into the West. The need for opium is apparently larger than ever.

Karl Marx felt that Jewish culture and identity was obsolete and is, of course, famous for his atheist internationalism.

The ideal is on a global scale to abolish religious and historic identities and groups, as workers’ are to unite globally, disregarding traditional national borders.

And to abolish the old nobility, the hereditary structures with a new radical elite.  It goes perfectly well with the current globalist elite dream of economic internationalism.


Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? Carneval in Belgium, 2020.
Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews?  Carneval in Belgium, 2020. Carnival marchers in the Belgian town of Aalst were dressed up as Jewish caricatures, as if lifted from the pages of the crude Nazi-era weekly Der Sturmer. They had long, crooked noses, Hasidic hats, rat tails, men clad in SS uniforms marched alongside with cheering crowds.


National Socialism was socialist and hated Jews


Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? Some argue that Judaism’s historical allegiance to a specific nation, today called Israel, also ran against Marx’ internationalist and anti-nation state views.

Or the fact that the Jewish elite in Europe, such as the Rothschild family who were the private bankers of kings and queens, were precisely the class Marx sought to remove.

[pullquote]Remember, Hitler was so strongly influenced by socialism that he called his political party National Socialism.[/pullquote]

He shockingly stated that “In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism,” to many understood as a direct suggestion that a world without Jews is an end goal of Marxism. Hitler’s final solution to “the Jewish problem” terrifyingly echoes Marx.

Remember, Hitler was so strongly influenced by socialism that he called his political party National Socialism. 

Considering how National Socialism (the NAZI party) in Germany was Socialist and Leftwing. It was not Right wing as the post war neo-Marxists so cunningly have rewritten history to imply, the sly liars who knew exactly how to manipulate the language into institutionalizing truths created in their own laboratories.

They wanted to protect socialism, an ideology deriving from the same Marxist pool of thought, and created the impression that the German Labour Party Socialism actually was Right wing.

[pullquote]Hitler was so strongly influenced by socialism that he called his political party National Socialism. Hitler’s final solution to “the Jewish problem” terrifyingly echoes Marx. [/pullquote]

Socialism is a derivative of Marxism and is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as a system of social organization in which private property and the distribution of income are subject to social and state control. The state owns everything. No private ownership.

Everyone knows that the Right wing often is called Conservative or Libertarian as of being occupied with the rights of the individual in the quest to diminish the role of the state. It is characterized by respect for the nation state, religious freedoms and encourages respect for plurality and diversity.

Demonizing the traditionalist Conservative movement by sticking the NAZI label to it was a cunning move.

After that, they renamed themselves neo-Marxist and continued the very same class struggle, only now adding – as we know from the New Left’ for free sex and free drugs: – the war on the man, the war on the traditional family, the war on the marriage, the gender wars, the feminist war, the race wars and so on.

The neo-Marxists continued after World War II, shaping and dominating the Western narrative, culminating in the take-over of social structures in the 1960s.

It can be argued that the very Left wing attitude of always attacking Jews and Israel has its roots in Marx.


Why do Marxists and Socialists seem to hate Jews? Hanne Herland Report
Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? The Herland Report is a Scandinavian news site, TV channel on YouTube and Podcasts reaching millions yearly. Founded by historian and author, Hanne Nabintu Herland, it is a great place to watch interviews and read the work of leading intellectuals, thought leaders, authors and activists from across the political spectrum. 

Marx was an internationalist globalist


Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? The Marxist identifying with internationalist, global quests are probably a main reason why Democrats in the US as well as the socialists who rule the EU go so well with the transnational, globalist business model dominated by the top 1 % capitalists in the world.

Davos is king for all of those who do not wish to pay taxes to any given country. Borderless societies is mandatory to achieve the goal. Socialism is an excellent tool to shut up the public in desired group think. 62 individuals now own more than 50 % of world assets. This is what globalism, gaining ground from the end of the 1980s led to.

The aim is the same: The eradication of historical, nation state systems and the implementation of a One World structure – in which the 1 or 000.1% will own everything and socialism administer strict control over the subdued population. Brave New World.

What better way to do it than through the very same capitalist structures that National Socialism also was linked to.

During National Socialism in Germany, the capitalist owners worked hand in hand with its socialist political leaders, perfecting capital gain.

Today, under globalism, the same is done again, yet now on a global and much larger scale than ever seen before. It is the same project, again and again. Just ask George Soros.




No system has been better at quenching diversity, plurality and respect for difference of opinion than socialism and its derivatives.

Today, the 1 % crude capitalism, globalist owners go hand in hand with the New Left in breaking down national barriers and pursuing globalist world dominion. Zero regard for national borders.

It has been the very method to control the population to the benefit of a radical elite who hates traditional, Western values and the old regime bourgeoisie. Again, Marx: The atheist class was to take control both over the economic structures, the political power and the nation state.

The Jewish question had been an ongoing issue long before Marx, and some argue that he was particularly harsh due to his personal need to distance himself from the disdained European Jewry.

The fact that Jews often held high positions as bankers who loaned out money to the elite, probably contributed to the European envy of Jewish success.

It could be argued that precisely the Jewish culture that Marx’ hated so much, gave the recipe for economic success as one of the goals in Jewish culture is to work hard for the betterment of mankind.

The riches gained placed many a prominent Jewish businessman at the top of the European ladder.

It is a religious virtue in Judaism to work hard. You prove your love to God by doing so. Why hate such a message of the path to achieving success, be it as a musician, banker, rabbi, businessman? But Marx did. 

Why do Marxists and Socialists seem to hate Jews? Putin in Russia with orthodox Jews.
Why do Marxists and Socialists seem to hate Jews? Russia is marked by the dramatic departure from state atheism, embracing Russian history and culture with over 70 % of the Russian population now stating they are Christians. Here Vladimir Putin smiling with Russian Jews. Tass.

Marx hated historical, traditional Europe


Why do Marxists and Socialists dislike Jews? Where Marx found such a remarkable hatred for the very traditions and values that made the Western civilization world leading, simply is hard to comprehend. 

In the attempt to explain such a blatant disdain for a particular European ethnic religious heritage, it can be argued that his atheism and revolt against his own heritage, led him to deny any value in the historical heritage of Judaism. And religions as a whole.

The irony being that while atheism scorns religion for believing in the spiritual dimension of creation, atheism is a faith just like religions.

Atheism denies the existence of a spiritual dimension, professing man is only body and mind, with no existence after death.

Can atheists empirically document that there is no spiritual world? Have they travelled out into the universe and may prove that there is no Creator outside of space? Atheism relies on blind belief in the undocumented and may be said to be a religious belief like any other.

The Jewish ten commandments, as cited in the Book of Genesis in the Holy Scriptures are core founding values in the Western civilization: Thou shalt not lie, not steal, not kill, not covet the property of thy neighbor, but love God with all your heart as the Creator of all things. To absolve these ideals and commandments would contribute to the legitimization of selfishness and create a lawless society.

Karl Marx’ work has become the core for the New Left implementation of the self-hatred and self-loathing of Western culture as seen in Identity Politics and other radical ideologies that currently are internally tearing the West apart.

Maybe Marx’ aim was to kill the West, and maybe he has succeeded in precisely that. Self-hatred normally produces self-destruction.


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Also check out these topics at CNN or FOX News. Other sources may be New York TimesUSA Today, the Washington Post or from the British angle, BBC, The Guardian, The Telegraph or Financial Times.

About the author

Hanne Nabintu Herland is a historian of comparative religions, bestselling author and commentator. She is the founder of The Herland Report news and opinion website which provides independent analysis from Western intellectuals, ground breaking YouTube interviews and Podcasts, cutting through the mainstream media rhetoric. This is a great place to watch interviews with leading intellectuals, thought leaders from across the political spectrum. Herland’s books include Respect, Det Nye Babylon, Tyranni, The Culture War.

In the 2020 book, New Left Tyranny. The Authoritarian Destruction of Our Way of Life, she shows how the neo-Marxist New Left turned their back on historical Western principles and became a destructive authoritarian force. Trump. The Battle for America is also available on Amazon and in over 60 countries world-wide.

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