Tag Archives: Egypt

On endless repeat Iraq, Libya, Syria, Venezuela – Regime killing its own

Will Censorship Prevail? Herland Report

  Herland Report: On endless repeat we hear the same message of “implementing democracy” and “saving the nation from the brutal dictator”, from Iraq to Afghanistan, from Libya to Syria. Now Venezuela: “Genocide by state leader”, “Maduro is killing his own people”, “if US does not win, Venezuela will become another Syria”, as stated by  Senators such as Rick Scott …

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The West does not understand the Middle East – Dr. Gerald Steinberg

The West does not understand the Middle East - Dr. Gerald Steinberg Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): Hanne Nabintu Herland discusses with NGO Monitor leader, Gerald Steinberg what went wrong in the so-called Arab Spring. In a series of interviews, Herland talks to leading Conservatives experts, professors, writers, journalists and priests who live in the Middle East. “It is a huge mistake to think that whatever your Western country went through a …

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Noam Chomsky: America is a falling star

Noam Chomsky: America as falling star:

  Herland Report: Noam Chomsky: America as falling star: Noam Chomsky, one of America’s leading intellectuals and a highly cited researcher, has advanced a depressing image of the USA as a nation that has evolved into a major cause of terror. For some time Chomsky has argued that the USA is not a democracy. It is in fact a one-party …

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A tribute to the Coptic Christians in Egypt God is Great


  Herland Report: In a time when minorities in the Middle East, such as the Coptic Christians of Egypt, are experiencing an unprecedented degree of persecution from Islamists in the region, songs like these remind us of the multicultural fabric of nations such as Egypt. It is an ethnic mosaic which is a beautiful testament to the diversity and plurality …

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Obama War president got Nobel Peace Prize

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland: Many hoped for peace when Barack Obama won the USA election in 2008. In Europe, everyone was satisfied by USA’s progressive choice and thrilled to be rid of Republican George Bush. It definitely added to the thrill that Obama was a man of color, which led to Obama being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize …

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Wahhabism breaks with the teaching of the Quran – Trond Ali Linstad

Saudi Arabia wahhabisme er betydelig ideologisk trussel mot Europa: Trond Ali Linstad, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Wahhabists/fundamentalists, for whom beard shaving is forbidden, condemn Christians, Jews, followers of other religions and Muslims who disagree with them, declaring them “apostates”, “heathens”, and “infidels” who deserve to be killed and massacred, writes Dr. Trond Ali Linstad for The Herland Report. The Wahhabist campaign has reached Norway. Mosques are being built and usable spaces are being …

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Saudi Arabia wahhabisme er betydelig ideologisk trussel mot Europa – Trond Ali Linstad

Saudi Arabia wahhabisme er betydelig ideologisk trussel mot Europa: Trond Ali Linstad, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Saudi Arabia wahhabisme er betydelig ideologisk trussel mot Europa: Wahhabiere/fundamentalister, for hvem det er forbudt å klippe skjegget, fordømmer kristne, jøder, andre troende og muslimer som ikke er enige med dem, for å være «frafalne», «hedninger» og «vantro» – som fortjener å bli massakrert og drept. Wahhabikampanjen har nådd Norge. Moskeer er bygget eller egnete lokaler kjøpt, med midler fra …

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Gross Islamist Attacks on Christians – Raymond Ibrahim

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: The persecution of Christians in the Islamic world has become endemic, writes Raymond Ibrahim who is a regular contributor to The Herland Report. Gross Islamist Attacks on Christians – Raymond Ibrahim This is the second article in the series about the persecution against Christians in the Middle East. Read the first article here.  Accordingly, “Muslim Persecution of Christians” …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite