Tag Archives: Egypt

Color Revolutions: The Gene Sharp manual on how to create revolutions – From Dictatorship to Democracy

Color Revolution Gene Sharp: Gene Sharp, New York Times

  The CIA front man, a professor at the Albert Einstein Institute, Gene Sharp wrote the manual on how to create a revolution and overthrow governments, and since then we have seen Color Revolutions happening all over the world. For example, the Arab Spring tactics of infiltrating legitimate movements directly follows the Gene Sharp manual From Dictatorship to Democracy: Use …

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Islamist demonization of Middle East Christians: Making it acceptable to kill and rape

Social Media does not Stop Muslim hate speech: Nabil H. Salama Executed by jihadists on the accusation that he was acting like a jihadist (Ayat Oraby, right)

  Herland Report: Islamist demonization of Middle East Christians: The recent execution of a Christian man by Muslim terrorists in Sinai showcased a little known but interesting fact: the reason so many “radical” Muslims target innocent “infidels” is often based on projection, a word defined as “the attribution of one’s own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people.” One academic article/book chapter elaborates: “Projection allows …

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Muslim leaders to Biden: Stop showering money on corrupt Palestinian leaders!

Corrupt Palestinian leaders: Wealthy Palestinian leaders and the Israel conflict: Where do all the billions in aid go: Flash90

  Herland Report: Corrupt Palestinian leaders: The message the Arabs and Muslims are sending to the Biden administration and other Western donors: Stop showering money on corrupt and failed Palestinian leaders. The Palestinian Authority says that it should be the only party in charge of the reconstruction and that all funds must be channeled through its government. Hamas, on the other …

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Historic Constantinople Hagia Sophia becomes Mosque – Islamist Intolerance

The origins of Human Rights is Christian theology: Hanne Nabintu Herland Hagia Sophia, Constantinople, Istanbul, Turkey, Orthodox Christianity, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The iconic, historic monument, Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, Istanbul is now turned into a mosque, reflecting the Islamist intolerance for religious plurality in the Middle East. Hagia Sophia is a center piece artwork of Orthodox Christianity, which dominated the Middle East before the Islamic Conquest from the 600s AD onward. “Sophia” means “divine wisdom” in Greek and …

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Hanne Herland #RT interview: We destroyed Libya

Hanne Herland Report RT

  Herland Report: Highlighting Libya again: Blundering Western policy in the Middle East and elsewhere empowered Islamism and led to a massive increase in the persecution of Christians. “We don’t know what we are doing abroad, any more than at home. The full impact of Western intervention in Libya was recently highlighted during a televised interview of Worlds Apart. Hanne …

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Muslim Persecution of Christians 2019 – Raymond Ibrahim

Muslim Persecution Ibrahim Herland Report

  At The Herland Report we address the steady persecution of Christians world wide, and especially in Muslim countries where the tolerance for Christians is exceptionally low. This is not a politically-correct topic, as the media in the West chronically avoids describing the horrific persecution against those who are not Muslims in Islamic countries. Read Islamic scholar, Raymond Ibrahim’s account: …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite