Tag Archives: election

The Great Reset is turning into The Great Clarification

The Great Reset is turning into The Great Clarification

  2024: “Time for The Great Uprising to defeat The Great Reset. This isn’t just an R vs. D question in 2023. It’s a 1776 moment,” says Presidential candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy. The Great Clarification: I’m already liking 2024. Consequence is itching to return to the American scene. Somewhere around 2016, cause and effect got a divorce. After that, things just …

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Requiem For Donald Trump

Trump's Presidency: Requiem For Donald Trump: Herland Report AFP

  Herland Report:  Requiem For Donald Trump: Attorney General Bill Barr, another of Trump’s mistakes, has sold out not only President Trump but also American democracy, thus proving that it is pointless to vote for Republicans. Barr has again repeated in the face of conclusive evidence that the November presidential election was organized to be stolen and successfully was stolen …

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The West Has Thrown Itself Into the Waste Basket of History

Lack of Morality creates Downfall: Black Lives Matter

  Herland Report: If courts uphold election laws, the vote fraud in the swing states will be overturned, and Trump will be declared the winner.  There is no doubt about the vote fraud. Proof of Vote Fraud is Piling Up Rapidly. The question is whether Trump in the face of media hostility, Antifa/BLM violence, and weak-kneed Republicans will have the support …

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Does America Have a Future or is the Republic finished?

Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008: The notion of White Privilege is one of the most absurd fantasies in human history paul craig roberts

  Herland Report: If the election is close, the presstitutes will call it for Biden as that will be their way of putting Trump on the defensive. By repeating over and over that Biden has won, the presstitutes will position Trump as disputing the outcome and intending to remain in office. If polls are correct that a majority of Democrats …

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Trump Reelection Is Already Discredited as a Coup Against Democracy

Trump Reelection Is Already Discredited as a Coup Against Democracy, Herland Report NBC

  Herland Report: Trump reelection is already discredited as a coup against democracy, even before the November election: On September 8, I provided a link to the Democrats’ Transition Integrity Project (TIP) launched “out of concern that the Trump Administration may seek to manipulate, ignore, undermine or disrupt the 2020 presidential election and transition process.”   On September 10 and 12, …

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The unattainable dream of free and fair elections in Libya

free and fair elections in Libya Libyan flag Gaddafi Herland Report

  There is a dream for many in so-called third world countries, that the Western form of democracy will lead to “free and fair elections in Libya,” also in the traditionally more authoritarian ruler region. They hope that the Western system will bring development and civil liberties to their population. This is, of course, a very naive perseption. Africa should …

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Russland omfavner Vladimir Putin, vant valget med 76.6 %

Russland omfavner Vladimir Putin

  Vladimir Putin har som forventet vunnet det russiske presidentvalget i 2018. At Putin ville bli gjenvalgt var det aldri noen tvil om. Putins mål skal angivelig ha vært 70×70, altså å vinne med 70 prosent av de avgitte stemmene ved et fremmøte på 70 prosent. Han oppnådde 76,6 prosent av stemmene ved et fremmøte på ca 67 prosent, skriver …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite