Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite
Lack of Morality creates Downfall: Black Lives Matter

The West Has Thrown Itself Into the Waste Basket of History


Herland Report: If courts uphold election laws, the vote fraud in the swing states will be overturned, and Trump will be declared the winner.  There is no doubt about the vote fraud.

Proof of Vote Fraud is Piling Up Rapidly.

The question is whether Trump in the face of media hostility, Antifa/BLM violence, and weak-kneed Republicans will have the support to see the fight to the end, writes Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, a regular contributor to The Herland Report.

Dr. Roberts is widely known as one of the West’s most important intellectuals. He is a regular contributor to The Herland Report TV. The programs with Dr. Roberts may be viewed here: Program 1: Neo-Con Totalitarianism, program 2: Totalitarianism in the West, program 3: The Washington Tyranny, program 4: The Hatred of the White, Hetero Male.

Program 5: Financial Crisis Looming, program 6: The Shocking Truth about Trump and the Media, program 7: The Enslavement of the Working Class.


New Book Trump. The Battle for America by Bestselling author Hanne Nabintu Herland, Herland Report
The West Has Thrown Itself Into the Waste Basket of History: Bestselling Scandinavian author, Hanne Nabintu Herland’ new book today explains why US President Trump fights for regular Americans and challenges Globalism and the ultra-rich elite hegemony, titled: “Trump – The Battle for America”. The book cuts through the mainstream media rhetoric and brings ground-breaking understanding of the driving forces behind the current near civil war situation in the United States.


The West Has Thrown Itself Into the Waste Basket of History: Whoever ends up in the White House, the country is now irredeemably split. Red state Americans understand that the theft of the election is a coup against them.

They understand that white people have been demonized as racists and are becoming second class citizens in the land of the free.  It has taken them a long time to catch on, but the brazenness of the election theft and the media’s 100% coverup of the theft has brought their vulnerability as “white racists” home to them.

The problem that our country faces is that the Democrats and the media know, as well as the red states, that  the election was stolen.  They organized the theft.




The West Has Thrown Itself Into the Waste Basket of History: They regard the theft as necessary in order to get rid of Trump, who has been demonized as racist, sexist, Russian agent, and declared by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to be a domestic enemy for refusing to accept the stolen election.

For the Democrats, media, and Antifa/BLM fascists who conduct Kristallnachts against white businesses, getting rid of Trump is more important than democratic outcomes.

The abandonment of democracy by one of the two major parties indicates that, as occurred in Rome, power is now the highest value.

If the theft stands, there will never again be a free election in the United States.  Elections will be programmed to serve the ruling elite until the pretense of democracy is discarded.

In earlier columns I forecast that so much hatred of Trump has been generated that calls for retribution against Trump supporters would follow his orchestrated defeat, and they have:

I also forecast that Trump would be denied media forums in which to make his case before the people, and he has.

Here is the situation in America today.  The media is 100% against Trump Americans.  So is the Democrat Party, the CIA, and FBI. Read the full article here. 


Also check out The Rubin Report, Ron Paul Liberty Report YouTube channel, as well as Jordan Peterson, the BBC and FOX on the same topics.

About the author

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the chairman of The Institute for Political Economy, former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, and a well known author of many books. He is also a regular contributor to the Herland Report news site as well as The Herland Report TV Show. He has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He has been awarded the Treasury Department’s Meritorious Service Award for “his outstanding contributions to the formulation of United States economic policy.”
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