Tag Archives: Fentanyl

Why America Failed to ‘Win Hearts’ in Afghanistan: Oblivious of Culture, thought only of Materialism

Why America Failed in Afghanistan: Getty

  Herland Report: Why America Failed in Afghanistan: In many ways, arrogant leftist thinking—indeed, the leftist paradigm in its entirety—led to the disaster that is Afghanistan. Many, especially those of Afghan background, have made this clear in the aftermath of America’s withdrawal.  Consider the words of Baktash Ahadi, an Afghan-American who served as an interpreter for the U.S. military for years: How could …

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Fentanyl Addiction Rehab Treatment – Research On Fentanyl Withdrawal Syndrome

Fentanyl Addiction Rehab Treatment: Victoria Walsh, Herland Report Getty

  Herland Report: Fentanyl Addiction Rehab Treatment: Fentanyl is a potent pain medication that is being manufactured synthetically for a deadly high and it’s causing havoc in American neighborhoods.  Fentanyl is a synthesized pain relief drug and a very powerful opioid that is much more potent than other drugs such as heroin and morphine. Doctors usually recommend fentanyl to treat acute …

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Afghanistan displays the United States as a Failed State unable to protect its own

The United States as a Failed State: Afghanistan Kabul Getty

  Herland Report: The United States as a Failed State: As the United States seemingly flees Afghanistan in what is deemed “Saigon on steroids,” America demonstrates to the whole world its inability to protect its own citizens, the decadent state of its military, the utter failure of the neo-con push to “end extremist Islamism,” the sad display of President Biden, as …

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Medical Examiner Report George Floyd’s Death: Fatal overdose of Fentanyl, no life threatening injuries by police

Derek Chauvin case: Medical Examiner Report George Floyd’s Death: Fatal overdose of Fentanyl, no life threatening injuries by police, Herland Report

  Herland Report: The story is that George Floyd died from asphyxiation—“I can’t breathe”—from a police officer’s knee on his neck.  This story is not supported by the autopsy and toxicology reports. The evidence is clear. George Floyd was not killed by police. But try getting that fact acknowledged.  The agenda is to cancel America, and facts are not permitted to …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite