Tag Archives: financial melt down

Dr. Bhakdi: Extreme measures violate human rights, prevents herd immunity #Covid-19

Dr. Bhakdi: Extreme measures violate human rights, prevents herd immunity: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Dr. Bhakdi: Extreme measures violate human rights, prevents herd immunity: Do we know enough to justify the massive measures that violate human rights in our free democratic society? With all their predictable consequences. And if so, on which data are these decisions based and which strategies have been construed? These are central questions in Germany’s forefront virus …

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China duped the West by hijacking the WHO? #Covid-19

Ny massiv feil fra regjeringen Solberg: Stoler blindt på Tedros WHO: Herland Report

Herland Report: China duped the West by hijacking the WHO and now profits from the panic? We are in the worst financial crisis in modern history caused by the fear of a Corona virus, yet hardly anyone compares the Covid-19 numbers of deaths with other seasonal influenzas, writes historian of comparative religions, bestselling author and founder of The Herland Report, …

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Media pumping Corona Fear in an unprecedented Way, look to China

Double Jabbed die at rate Six Times higher than Unvaccinated: Herland Report

    Herland Report: The Media is pumping Fear in an unprecedented Way: The following analysis is based on the hypothesis that American globalists and media owners ended up joining the US-China trade war on China’s side. They have ended up helping China push even more media fear of Corona, simply to try to get to Trump, since Russia Gate, …

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Vi er ikke vant til motgang, nå kommer verdens kriser til Norge

Double Jabbed die at rate Six Times higher than Unvaccinated: Herland Report

Herland Report: Nå kommer verdens kriser til Norge: Vi er ikke vant til motgang. Hva skjer når verdens kriser kommer til Norge?  Generasjonen som opplevde den andre verdenskrig vet godt hva tomme hyller i matbutikker betyr. Egne spisskammers fantes i mange hus i gamle dager der man lagret mat. Siden det kom velferdsstaten og for Norges del, oljepengene ble fra …

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Corona causes China to rise as West helplessly battle melt down

Xi Jinping puts China First: Herland Report, The Independent

  Herland Report: Corona causes China to rise: Among the myriad, earth-shattering geopolitical effects of coronavirus, one is already graphically evident. China has re-positioned itself, writes Pepe Escobar. For the first time since the start of Deng Xiaoping’s reforms in 1978, Beijing openly regards the US as a threat, as stated a month ago by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Munich …

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CNN suddenly admits Trump had massive economic gain

Suddenly CNN admits Trump had massive economic gain: AFP

  Herland Report: Suddenly, CNN and the mainstream media admits the massive economic gains since president Trump took office, stating all the gains from 2016 onward are now lost, as first pointed out by Bespoke Investment Group. The years under Trump, CNN has complained, vilified, demonized, ridiculed the president. There was no end to how horrible Trump was, the European …

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This Melt Down is Ben Bernanke House of Weaponizing US dollar

Ben Bernanke House of Weaponizing the US dollar:

  Herland Report: Ben Bernanke House of Weaponizing the US dollar: After credit markets froze in the subprime crash of 2008-2009 Ben Bernanke and the Fed conjured up a number of monetary tricks to keep the system afloat. POMO, Twist, QE, TARP, repos, and currency swaps (and other monetary tricks) were used to provide liquidity to an essentially bankrupt system …

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Meltdown of Wall Street, 1929 and Fascism in America

The Nouriel Roubini warning: Blogspot

  Today’s oncoming economic meltdown can only be prevented if the lessons of 1933 are taken seriously. And patriots who actually care about their nations and people stop legitimizing the casino economy of fictitious capital, derivatives, debt slavery and anti-humanism. This has become so commonplace across the governing strata of the technocratic and banking elite today trying to control the …

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The Panic of Corona may be the element that brings about major restructuring of ownership – Hanne Nabintu

The Panic of Corona may be the element that brings about major restructuring of ownership: Hanne Herland Report, business-liverne.com

  Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland: The panic of Corona may be the very psychological element that brings about a major restructuring of international ownership. 60-80 % of the population will get the Corona virus, says British authorities.And 650 000 people die yearly of a regular influenza, according to the WHO, writes historian of comparative religions, author and founder of …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite