Tag Archives: Free Speech

Universities were halls of learning but have become New Left propaganda tools

Alarm av Hanne Nabintu Herland: Foto TV2

  It is at the universities that the young are brainwashed and molded into serving the government narrative, without the critical thinking that used to be one of the hallmarks of freedom in the West. Universities are where students are taught the socialist principle of not thinking freely, but submit to group-think. Freedom is defined as the right to concur …

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Aldous Huxley and the Totalitarian Brave New World

Justin Trudeau dystopian Emergencies Act: Trucker Convoys protest Elite: AFP

  Herland Report: As the Western elites again are enticed by totalitarian systems and the deprivation of civil liberties among its citizens, Aldous Huxley is worth remembering. He provided an excellent description of the road to tyranny in his celebrated book Brave New World (1932). Huxley shows how restricted society becomes if personal initiative, individualism, social responsibility and the right to …

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Justin Trudeau called Authoritarian, Canada now a Dictatorship, likened to Ceaușescu in Romania

Justin Trudeau called Authoritarian: Herland Report Getty

  Herland Report: Justin Trudeau called Authoritarian: “We must recommit ourselves to the work of strengthening our democracies, and demonstrate the principled leadership people are looking for,” said Trudeau at the European Parliament. See what happened after Trudeau’s historic failed address to the European Parliament. (Scroll down) No analysis by Canada’s mainstream media, writes Global Research.       Justin …

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The Culture War: Atheists are small minority in ocean of believers

Atheists are small minority in ocean of Believers in God: Hanne Nabintu herland The Culture War

  Herland Report: Atheists are small minority in ocean of Believers in God, says bestselling author Hanne Nabintu Herland.  In this interview, the author speaks about her book, “The Culture War. How the West lost its greatness”, as she expands the need for a broader understanding that the human is a spiritual being.  Watch the clip here. She says: “It …

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Liberal neo-Marxist Wikipedia used to demonize Conservatives

Wikipedia logo Herland Report

  Herland Report: Wikipedia has since its birth been a leading Liberal, progressive, atheist portal in demonizing European history, Conservatives, anti-militarism activists, religions and countries outside the Western hemisphere. It has been a main neo-Marxist driver in the West to color the minds of Westerners and change its value system. On a continual basis, its neo-Marxist editors make sure that philosophers, authors, …

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Free speech as the right to be rude was never a Western Value

Free speech as rudeness was never a Western Value:

  Herland Report: Free speech as rudeness: To lie, slander and speak ill of others has been one of the evils of men since the beginning of time. History is filled with examples of horrifying stories of how the lynching mob went after philosophers, politicians and religious leaders alike. We are returning to the ills of the past in the …

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INTERVIEW John Whitehead: Militarization of Police Forces and Police Brutality

JOhn Whitehead at HErland Report thumb

  Herland Report host, Hanne Nabintu Herland speaks to Constitutional attorney, John Whitehead about the US militarization of police forces and police brutality. Whitehead also addresses the deliberate dumbing down of the American people, rampant culture of fear, the sovietization of American society and lack of respect for the first amendment in the Constitution. Watch it here.     John …

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Parler CEO John Matze: Big Tech, not the government now run the marketplace

The Free Speech platform PARLER: Herland Report

  Herland Report: Now that the social media platform Parler is up and running again, the Dinesh D’Souza interview with Parler CEO, John Matze on Rumble is worth revisiting. Matze suggests Big Tech’s main motive for shutting down Parler was stopping Trump from accessing the social platform, deplatforming him from every social network and thereby prohibiting him from communicating with the …

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