Tag Archives: Gaddafi

JoAnne Moriarty says Libyan tribes must decide the fate of Libya, not foreigners

JoAnne Moriarty and Jimmy Moriarty in tribal meetings in Libya, 2011.

  Herland Report: The fate of the Libyan people should be determined by Libyans, not foreign powers. Ever since 2011, foreign powers such as the US and EU still keep tight control over Libya, even though the take over in 2011 until now has produced complete meltdown of the Libyan state, states official spokesperson for the Libyan Tribes internationally, JoAnne Moriarty. …

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Libyakrigen basert på ren medieløgn – Ola Tunander

Libyakrigen basert på ren medieløgn Muammar Gaddafi Getty

  Ola Tunander: Libyakrigen basert på ren medieløgn: I februar og mars 2011 hevdet massemediene at Libyas leder Muammar Gaddafi drepte sivile, og at et folkemord allerede hadde begynt. Det ble hevdet at Gaddafis kampfly bombet hans egen befolkning, og at hans afrikanske leiesoldater hadde “uinnskrenket fullmakt til plyndring og drap av sivile”. I dag vet vi at alt dette …

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Bruken av retorikk og bedrag for å ødelegge Libya – Ola Tunander

  Libya – Ola Tunander: Libya krigen 2011 ble et vannskille i norsk offentlig bevissthet. Med Libya krigen mistet media hegemoniet, og siden har informasjonen strømmet ut via internett til en stadig større andel av befolkningen som nå ser hva som foregår. Propagandastrømmen ble for sterk, medieløgnene for mange og for åpenbare. Den nåværende befolkningsrevolusjonen mot ensrettetheten i mediene og …

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How the West turned the Middle East into Arab Winter

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  The West turned the Middle East into Arab Winter: Throughout history, democratic leaders have occasionally shown an extraordinary talent in destabilizing the world. This was the case in Germany leading up to World War II. It also seems to apply to the current American foreign policy in the Middle East. The invention of the Arab spring has turned into …

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Vi er ikke uskyldige i Midtøsten, vi støttet Al Qaida i Libya – Dagbladet

Syria Aleppo 2016. Yahoo.

  Herland Report: Vi støttet Al Qaida i Libya: Denne Dagbladet kronikken er fra 2015, en periode da jeg skrev kronikker i svært mange av Norges aviser om det som foregår i Midtøsten.  I etterkant er materialet samlet på Herland Report og det jeg har å si publiseres nå der. Herland Report nyhetssiden og Herland Report TV (HTV) som tar tverrpolitisk …

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Senator Richard Black endorses Saif al-Islam Gaddafi for Presidency Libya


  Virginia State Senator, Richard H. Black, is a strong patriot and veteran. He is a man who has taken his personal time to understand the conflicts in North Africa and the Middle East. Senator Richard Black endorses Saif al-Islam. Senator Black traveled to Syria to meet with President Assad so that he could understand the truth about what was …

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Før Libya krigen 2011: Afrikas rikeste land #Jonas Gahr Støre

Muammar Gaddafi UN Herland Report

  Herland Report: Libya krigen førte til at Al Qaida affilierte grupper tok makten, og til dags dato ligger landet i ruiner. Dette skjer i dag mens vestlige observatører er fullstendig klar over at ISIS, Al Qaida, salafi, takfiri og andre militsgrupper tyranniserer lokalbefolkningen. Det pågår overgrep, voldtekt av både menn og kvinner, kidnapping av voksne og barn, drap, etnisk rensning …

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Before 2011, Libya was Africa’s richest state, now horrifying atrocities 

Libya was Africa’s richest state, now horrifying atrocities: Muammar Gaddafi UN Herland Report AP

  Herland Report: Libya was Africa’s richest state, now horrifying atrocities: The NATO Libya war in 2011 sent the country spiraling into chaos and civil war, now characterized by militia rule, sectarianism and proxy war. A number of European countries have conducted independent investigations into the NATO involvement in the Libya War, 2011. The facts display that the UN resolution …

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Khalid al-Khuwaildi al-Humaidi: Prosecuting NATO for War Crimes in Libya

Khuwaildi al-Humaidi’s son revealed to Sputnik details of his prosecution of NATO.

  Khalid al-Khuwaildi al-Humaidi, President of the International Organization for Peace, Care and Relief (IOPCR ), sued NATO for its “crimes” against Libyan civilians. He, alone, lost 13 members of his family because of the bombing, including two of his sons, his pregnant wife, his niece, aunt and a cousin. Members of the same family, including his mother, father, sisters …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite