Tag Archives: #HerlandReport

International break through: Interviews with Senators, politicians, CIA, NSA directors

Washington Herland Report Hanne

  The Herland Report has upcoming interviews with US senators, politicians, professors, former CIA directors, whistleblowers and NSA directors. We also speak to leading lawyers, Judicial Watch, famous journalists and psychologists, as well as bishops, spiritual leaders and leaders from Black Lives Matter. The analysis will present a comprehensive outlook on current international affairs in the months to come, as …

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Horrifying militia rule in Libya post #NATOwar 2011 – Linda Ulstein

Field marshall Khalifa Haftar EPA Libya.

  Herland Report: “The security situation in Libya is catastrophic. It is a massive international scandal. The NATO supported military coup in 2011 opened up the flood gate for horror”, states human rights activist for the prisoners in Libya, the Algerian Linda Ulstein in an exclusive interview with The Herland Report. states the official Spokesperson for the Libyan Tribes, Mrs. …

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VG kritiserer Herland Report, men bedriver aktiv desinformasjon #Husby

VG kritiserer Herland Report VG Hanne Nabintu Herland Hans Erik Husby

  Herland Report: VG kritiserer Herland Report: Det ble rabalder i VG da kunstner Hans-Erik Dyvik Husby uttalte seg på Herland TV om propaganda i mediene. I mange år har vi hatt en særs streng mediekontroll i Norge, der det kulturradikale budskapet er gjennomgangstonen. De senere årene har en økende motstand mot de ofte ensrettede forklaringsmodellene som presenteres. En rekke …

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Gross Islamist Attacks on Christians – Raymond Ibrahim

Det vulgære Norge: Herland Report banner

  Herland Report: The persecution of Christians in the Islamic world has become endemic, writes Raymond Ibrahim who is a regular contributor to The Herland Report. Gross Islamist Attacks on Christians – Raymond Ibrahim This is the second article in the series about the persecution against Christians in the Middle East. Read the first article here.  Accordingly, “Muslim Persecution of Christians” …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite