Herland Report: As politics and economy now is intertwined, manipulating politics also means manipulating markets. The Green Movement illustrates this deception to the max. Billionaires, such as George Soros, who fund the Green – FossilFree, RebellionExtinct, #GretaThunberg show, also heavily invest in oil and coal. Why? 1. By controlling the oil sector through the Wall Street divestment in oil strategy, …
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Herland Report upcoming exclusive interview with US Senator Richard Black
The Herland Report proudly presents upcoming exclusive interview with US Senator Richard Black. The Vietnam veteran, former US Army prosecutor and director at the Pentagon. Colonel Richard Black, kindly allowed us to speak with him for several hours. The outcome of these conversations will soon be published at The Herland Report news site and TV channel on YouTube. We …
Read More »Artikkelserie: Samfunnsforskning er ikke verdinøytral og sterkt preget av politisk korrekthet
Herland Report: Mange tror at moderne vitenskap er verdinøytral, men samfunnsforskning er verken objektiv eller nøytral. Den er politisk og svært ofte ideologisk fundert i et bestemt samfunnssyn. Det meste av det vi kaller objektivt, er sjelden det. Samfunnsforskningen har en tendens til å være full av antagelser som er farget av rådende paradigmer og «populær tenkning». Ikke minst …
Read More »Telling the Truth Has Become an Anti-American Act
Herland Report: Paul Craig Roberst: Stephen Cohen and I emphasize that the state of tension today between the United States and Russia is more dangerous than during the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union. For calling needed attention to the risk of nuclear war heightened by the current state of tension, both Cohen and I have …
Read More »THE BOMB: Identity of Trump Impeachment “Whistleblower” revealed #EricCiaramella
Herland Report: Listen to Nancy Pelosi below explaining how the Democratic Party smears its opponents with falsehoods and lies, then reports the smear and lies to the press. They then uses the same smear, reported in the press by the Democrats as Pelosi says, to re-validate the lies as “confirmed by the press.” It is apparently called The Wrap …
Read More »Vi lever i et partidiktatur der politikere i stor grad ikke tjener folket, Lars Rønbeck
Herland Report TV programleder, Hanne Herland samtaler med Lars Rønbeck om partidiktatur og direktedemokrati. “Vi lever i et partidiktatur der politiske karteller i Oslo styres av andre hensyn enn folkets beste. Vi har ikke et folkestyre der folkeviljen gjennomføres,” sier tidligere offiser i forsvaret, Lars Rønbeck, som leder folkebevegelsen for direktedemokrati i Norge. Han etterlyser et systemskifte i Norge …
Read More »Project Veritas: CNN whistleblower reveal massive bias at Jeff Zucker’s CNN
Herland Report: Trump now considers lawsuit Against CNN after Project Veritas exposes a massive bias against the US president by CNN boss, Jeff Zucker. A brave CNN insider has exposed anti-Trump bias at the cable giant, writes Veritas. Cary Poarch, who works at CNN’s Washington D.C. Bureau, tells Project Veritas “I decided to wear a hidden camera…to expose the bias …
Read More »PODCAST with #Milo Yiannopoulos: The Left Advocates for Tyranny
Herland Report PODCAST: Hanne Herland speaks with Milo Yiannopoulos about how the current Leftwing now advocates for tyranny. In several podcasts, Milo addresses the deterioration of American values under the current US elites. The US used to be a melting pot, unified in a national identity regardless of race and creed. Today, society is divided based on ethnic identity, …
Read More »Is Capitalism Killing Us? Poison, pollution, #Monsanto
Paul Craig Roberts: A public health organization, the Environmental Working Group, recently reported that its tests found glyphosate in all but 2 of 45 children’s breakfast foods including granola, oats and snack bars made by Quaker, Kellogg and General Mills. In Brazil tests have discovered that 83% of mothers’ breast milk contains glyphosate. The Munich Environmental Institute reported that …
Read More »TV intervju Øyvind Moe: Legemiddelindustrien tjener milliarder på ADHD Ritalin
Herland Report Øyvind Moe: Legemiddelindustrien tjener milliarder på ADHD: TV programleder, Hanne Nabintu Herland hadde gleden av å samtale med Øyvind Moe om eksploderende ADHD diagnoser og farene ved Ritalin bruk. “Medisinerer vi friske barn ukritisk i dag?” sier sivilingeniør Øyvind Moe som særlig har engasjert seg i feltet. “Thalidomid er nok den største legemiddelskandalen vi har hatt i …
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