Tag Archives: Human Rights

The ground-breaking values of the Jesus child

The ground-breaking values of Jesus: Merry Christmas, the significance of Christianity, Herland Report

  We now celebrate Christmas and the magic of the baby boy born in Bethlehem who grew to become the world’s most significant person. As over two billion Christians across the globe seek the grace of this celestial king, the man with greater spiritual powers than anyone else on earth, we also reflect on the powerful ethical standards and values …

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Plurality is the enemy in the Progressive, Atheist West

Plurality is now the enemy: Hanne Herland Report

  Plurality is now the enemy: The term “one-way tolerance” perfectly describes the situation where only one party is required to be tolerant while the other fails to show mutual respect. The term “tolerance” then loses its meaning and becomes a political and ideological tool to silence opposition. The words of C. S. Lewis in The Screwtape Letters sum it …

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Selfishness and complacency destroys the West: Are Christians no longer Christians?

The neo-Marxist New Left 1960s revolution: Herland Report

  Something has gone seriously wrong with Christianity in the West. Research shows that church attendance is dropping dramatically. The very peculiar fact that surveys demonstrate is that it is the most believing Christians that leave the churches. Maybe because institutionalized religion seems most preoccupied with the “God bless me and make me rich” ideology? Or are there other reasons? …

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Why Western Values Underpin the World’s Best Countries

Cultural Superiority? The Christian contributions to Western culture: Equality, human dignity, rationality The Ancient Defenders of the West against Islam in Europe, new book by Raymond Ibrahim

  Elements of the left and their allies in the media are constantly driving this point home: White people are bad and so is the culture that they have created. Cultural Superiority? Everything we value as a society is bad and, more than that, little more than an ex post facto justification for the subjugation of non-whites. Western culture is white culture, and all …

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Free speech as the right to be rude was never a Western Value

Free speech as rudeness was never a Western Value:

  Herland Report: Free speech as rudeness: To lie, slander and speak ill of others has been one of the evils of men since the beginning of time. History is filled with examples of horrifying stories of how the lynching mob went after philosophers, politicians and religious leaders alike. We are returning to the ills of the past in the …

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Dr. Kirk Meighoo on Guyana, its Indian minorities and massive oil reserves

Dr. Kirk Meighoo, Guyana Indian minorities, oil reserves, Herland Report

  Herland Report: Guyana is a small country in South America that recently found massive oil discoveries. There is a large, Indian minority living in Guyana, that came to the country almost two hundred years ago. The political stakes in Guyana have risen massively since May 2015 when Exxon Mobil discovered oil reserves potentially worth more than $100bn (£80bn) 200km …

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Most of Facebook Censorship Board Ties to George Soros

Facebook Censorship Board Ties to George Soros: George Soros Duran Herland Report

  Herland Report: Judicial Watch, Facebook Censorship Board Ties to George Soros: The recently appointed Facebook oversight board that will decide which posts get blocked from the world’s most popular social networking website is stacked with leftists, including a close friend of leftwing billionaire George Soros who served on the board of directors of his Open Society Foundations (OSF). Most of …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite