Tag Archives: immigration

Globalists push for the total destruction of sovereign nations in quest to dominate them all

Globalists push for the total destruction of sovereign nations in quest to dominate them all Society Is becoming a Prison Disguised as Paradise Getty

  Globalists, who intend the destruction of sovereign nations, have labeled concerns with mass immigration to be racism as a way of discrediting the concerns and preventing discussion of the threat.  Total destruction of sovereign nations: Immigrant-invaders, or as the euphemisms “refugees” and “asylum seekers” label them, are used to overwhelm ethnic nationalities and turn them into towers of babel …

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Joe Biden to give 11 million illegal immigrants citizenship immediately

Biden implements Communist Centralized Power: Biden Executive Order implements Communist Centralized Power to Rule the Bureaucracy Staggering 40 % believes Biden suffers from dementia, cognitive ailment, turning senile, People

  Herland Report: Joe Biden to give 11 million illegal immigrants citizenship immediately: President-elect Joe Biden will immediately send a legislative package to Congress which would provide a pathway to citizenship for some 11 million illegal immigrants, according to the Los Angeles Times, according to “immigrants rights activists in communication with the Biden-Harris transition team.” The bill would also provide …

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Biden Will Immediately Give Citizenship To Millions Of Illegal Aliens, he says

Biden implements Communist Centralized Power: Biden Executive Order implements Communist Centralized Power to Rule the Bureaucracy Staggering 40 % believes Biden suffers from dementia, cognitive ailment, turning senile, People

  Herland Report: Biden Will Immediately Give Citizenship To Millions Of Illegal Aliens: Biden announced during an NBC News interview that aired on Tuesday evening that he will immediately move to give citizenship to millions of illegal aliens once he gets into office in two months, writes Daily Wire. “I’m going to make a commitment in the first 100 days, …

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Raphael Israeli: Dangerous parallel societies in Europe

Raphael Israeli islamikaze Herland Report

  Herland Report TV: We sat down with Dr. Raphael Israeli, the man who invented the term “Islamikaze”,Professor of Middle Eastern, Islamic and Chinese history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, fellow at Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace and the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. He is one of the front experts on the self-sacrifice method in Islam, …

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Feminism and Criminal Immigrant Destroyed Sweden

Sweden gang rape liberal Heralnd Report

  Herland Report: Feminism and Criminal Immigrant Destroyed Sweden: In Sweden the rape of white Swedish women by black immigrant-invaders never stops. In the latest outrage four Eritreans forced a 13 year old Swedish girl into a bathroom and took turns raping her while filming the gang rape. According to the news report, the vaginal rape was “preceded by violence …

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Media theatre designed to hide Trump’s economic progress

Donald Trump NBC

  Don’t let Democrats fool you, writes Adriana Cohen, the state of the union is strong. If you watched President Donald Trump deliver his annual State of the Union address this week, you can see why the left and its mouthpieces in media lob nonstop insults against him and trash-talk his administration. It’s to create a lot of noise and …

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Abortion produces Mass Immigration in the West as we need Workers

Abortion Holocaust causes Mass Immigration:

  Ireland felt the full force of the Liberal Progressive New Left a few years back, as the country was voting whether to keep its strict anti-abortion laws or not. After massive pressure to legalize abortions, Catholic Ireland finally followed the rest of Europe, writes historian and founder of The Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland in her regular column at …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite