Tag Archives: ireland

Abortion produces Mass Immigration in the West as we need Workers

Abortion Holocaust causes Mass Immigration:

  Ireland felt the full force of the Liberal Progressive New Left a few years back, as the country was voting whether to keep its strict anti-abortion laws or not. After massive pressure to legalize abortions, Catholic Ireland finally followed the rest of Europe, writes historian and founder of The Herland Report, Hanne Nabintu Herland in her regular column at …

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Politisk SENSUR i Irland: Nei til abort diskriminieres av Google, Facebook boikott

Politisk SENSUR i Irland: Nei til abort diskriminieres av Google, Facebook boikott Irish Times, Herland Report

Det er meget positivt at VG tar opp Irlands abortkamp uten det vanlige ensidige mediefokuset på nei-til-abort siden.  Dette er helt uvanlig også i norsk sammenheng. Et norsk skrekkeksempel er Nettavisen med “Når religion dreper kvinner”, et klassisk eksempel på media som ja-sidens propagandakanal. Så, de varmeste gratulasjoner til VG som har valgt å belyse Irlands maktkamp mellom ja- og …

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No election integrity in Ireland? Pro-life banned by Google, Facebook

No election integrity in Ireland? Pro-life banned by Google, Facebook

  They’re worried we might win, so they’re trying to silence us, states Save The 8th amendment in the Irish constitution, Pro Life Campaign and The Iona Institute. They assert that the decision by Google to ban the NO to ABORTION side is not about “concerns about the integrityof elections.” It is about concerns that the “No” side might win in Ireland. …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite