Tag Archives: Israel

Palestinians’ Worst Enemy Is Their Own Leaders: Corruption and repression

Palestinians’ Worst Enemy Is Their Own Leaders: Corruption and repression

  Herland Report: Once in a rare while, Western journalists address the massive problem in the Middle East pertaining to corruption and repression of free speech in the Arab world. This week, Human Rights Watch released a report on Gaza leaders and the report shows widespread abuse.  The two-year investigation included interviews with nearly 150 people, many of them ex-detainees. …

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The West does not understand the Middle East – Dr. Gerald Steinberg

The West does not understand the Middle East - Dr. Gerald Steinberg Herland Report

  Herland Report TV (HTV): Hanne Nabintu Herland discusses with NGO Monitor leader, Gerald Steinberg what went wrong in the so-called Arab Spring. In a series of interviews, Herland talks to leading Conservatives experts, professors, writers, journalists and priests who live in the Middle East. “It is a huge mistake to think that whatever your Western country went through a …

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The Trump Doctrine and the End of the neo-con ‘New World Order’ – Seth Frantzman

The Trump Doctrine and the End of the neo-con ‘New World Order’ - Seth Frantzman

  Herland Report: “Setting fire to the ground,” a “major catastrophe,” bringing “new instability” are the headlines that have greeted Donald Trump’s unorthodox decisions over the past year. Withdrawing from UNESCO, moving the US Embassy, leaving the Iran deal and cutting funding to UNRWA and funding for Pakistan were seen as extreme decisions in the Middle East and around the world. Insofar …

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Trump-Putin Summit 2018: Russia and the U.S. are on board to limit Iran’s military presence in Syria – Zev Shafets, Bloomberg

Modern Man needs Religion: Herland Report banner

  Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu is enjoying a triumphal moment. He didn’t attend the Helsinki summit between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, of course, but he certainly felt he was represented there writes Zev Shafets at Bloomberg. “I think we really came to a lot of good conclusions, a really good conclusion for Israel,” Trump told interviewer Sean Hannity …

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Hvorfor behovet for demonisering av muslimer?

The Quest for Mental Health: Hanne Nabintu Herland, founder of The Herland Report

  Herland Report: Hvorfor behovet for demonisering av muslimer? Vestlige regjeringer har aktivt bidratt til destruksjon av en rekke Midtøsten stater. Vi trives godt med å «bombe deres land», men får sjokk når de vil «bombe oss». Den synkroniserte demoniseringen av «folkeslag vi misliker», inneholder en rasetenkning med sterke sosialdarwinistiske undertoner. Noen anses som «bunnsjiktet i utviklingen» og vi selv, …

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Strong anti-Christian elites in Europe – President of African Israel Initiative, Erik Selle

President of African Israel Initiative, Erik Selle

  Herland Report: There is a strong anti-Christian sentiment within the European media establishment and the elites. Russia chooses the opposite path by strengthening Christian Orthodoxy as the cultural fundament, states the president of the Africa-Israel Initiative, Erik Selle, who has work in 17 African countries. Many do not understand that Russia today is not the Soviet Union, president Putin …

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Growing Turkish involvement in Gaza and Jerusalem – Pinhas Inbari


Turkey, which supports Hamas, has a growing presence in east Jerusalem, as seen by the Turkish flags flying there. Its influence can even be seen in local restaurants and clothing stores, writes Pinhas Inbari, a veteran Arab affairs correspondent. Turkish support for Hamas also explains the appearance of Turkish flags among Palestinian protesters in the Gaza fence confrontation. Turkey is …

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Hamas tvang tusener av sivile som levende skjold for Hamas – Michal Rachel Suissa

Modern Man needs Religion: Herland Report banner

  Det er kun når boligområder og barnehager i Gaza treffes at dette angår “det internasjonale samfunn” som de vestlige journalistene kaller seg selv. Det som engasjerer “verdenssamfunnet” er det som mediene kaller “drap på ubevæpnede demonstranter” og som gir anledning til å fordømme Israel for noe Israel ikke har gjort. Det er ikke politisk korrekt å fortelle at Hamas …

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Norge finansierer Syria milits forkledd som bistand – Eva Thomassen

Norge finansierer Syria milits: Reuters

  Norge finansierer Syria milits: I dette intervjuet med krigsreporter og sosiolog, Eva Thomassen, forteller hun fra sin siste Syria reise.  “Tenk over hva vi egentlig driver med i Midtøsten. 500 millioner dollar brukte USA på å trene terrorister til å bli enda bedre trent, enda dyktige i å slåss mot den syriske hæren,” sier Thomassen. Se et av Herland …

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Interview with Eva Thomassen, Norway’s only war reporter in Syria

Eva Thomassen Herland Report

  Interview with Eva Thomassen, Norway’s only war reporter in Syria: At The Herland Report, we strive to acquire knowledge about all sides in a conflict, here the Syria war. What has angered many in the West is the biased and one-sided coverage of the Syria war in the mainstream media.  Is the media no more than a propaganda channel …

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