Tag Archives: Israel

Christianity is African Religion, the West is Hedonism

Erik Selle Christianity is African Religion, the West is Hedonism:

  Herland Report TV (HTV): Christianity is African Religion, the West is Hedonism:”There is a strong anti-Christian sentiment within the European media establishment and the elites. Russia chooses the opposite path by strengthening Christian Orthodoxy as the cultural fundament,” states the president of the Africa-Israel Initiative, Erik Selle, who has work in 17 African countries. He was born and raised …

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Algeria, Sudan, Libya – beginning of new civil war Libya? Jonathan Spyer

new civil war Libya and Sudan?

  Herland Report: The current instability in Algeria, Sudan and Libya has led to some excited western media coverage heralding a second chapter of the Arab Spring. Those celebrating should be careful what they wish for. new civil war Libya. The Arab uprisings of 2010-11 and the subsequent years began with great hope but with the partial exception of Tunisia, …

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Why Do Central Europeans Love Israel So Much?

  Periods of major political transformation have never been particularly easy for Jews, and the current moment is no exception. Anti-Semitism is ascendant in Europe and many fear that the resurgence of nationalism will exacerbate it. But there is a twist: Anti-Semitism’s rise in Europe is being accompanied by a growing fascination among Europe’s hard right with Israel and, in …

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TV interview Yitzhak Santis: Political Islamism is not the religion of Islam

TV interview Yitzhak Santis: Political Islamism is not the religion of Islam Herland Report

  Herland Report (HTV): “Islamism is an ideology, it is not a religion. It is not the religion of Islam. And these radical Islamist movements are a major threat to Liberal democratic societies,” says Yitzhak Santis, senior writer and analyst at StandWithUs, an Israeli organization that counters Western antisemitism. He is a former chief programs officer at NGO Monitor.Watch the …

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Intervju Trond Ali Linstad: Jesus er et stort forbilde som vi bør følge

Intervju Trond Ali Linstad: Herland Report

  Intervju Trond Ali Linstad: Det var en stor glede å samtale med muslimsk lege, Trond Ali Linstad på Herland Report TV. Linstad er daglig leder Urtehagen Stiftelse på Grønland i Oslo og serverer mange aktuelle betraktninger i programmet rundt kristendom, kristne som ikke følger Jesus’ eksempel, muslimer som ikke følger islams prinsipper og om ekstremismen som vrenger på budskapet …

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Samfunnet radikaliseres og hatet mot jøder dominerer, Michael Rachel Suissa

Samfunnet radikaliseres og hatet mot jøder dominerer, Michael Rachel Suissa

  Herland Report: En intens debatt har de siste ukene pågått i amerikanske og internasjonale medier etter at det ble kjent at et par av høstens nyvalgte representanter til Kongressen for Demokratene, har markert seg med utilslørt antisemittiske uttalelser.  De kastet ikke bort tiden med å gjøre seg kjent med sine parlamentariske forpliktelser, men gikk rett løs på det som …

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Ex-ambassadør til Saudi Arabia, Carl Schiøtz Wibye med sterk Saudi kritikk


  Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland samtaler med tidligere ambassadør, Carl Schiøtz Wibye om Saudi Arabia, islam, wahhabisme og radikalisme. Wibye viser en bemerkelsesverdig høy kunnskap om det som skjer bak det “muslimske sløret” i Midtøsten, i sin bok Terrorens Rike som ble utgitt etter at han gikk av med pensjon fra stillingen. Vi hadde gleden av å ha Wibye …

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The Israel – Saudi alliance: The enemy of my enemy is .. my friend?

The Israel - Saudi alliance: Herland Report AFP

  Herland Report, Paul R. Pillar: The simple notion that any enemy of my enemy is my friend is overriding sober calculation of how Saudi Arabia’s conduct does or does not support U.S. interests. Long before “transactional” became a cliché applied to policies of Donald Trump, the term accurately described the U.S.-Saudi relationship. The partnership brought together the world’s most …

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New cooperation between Israel and Gulf states: Israel has a lot to offer #irrigation #agriculture #medicine #water desalination – Herland Report

Israel and Gulf states:

  Herland Report: The Israeli Intelligence and Transportation Minister, Israel Katz pushed for cooperation between Israel and the Gulf states in a speech in Oman on November 7. “In my view, cooperation between Israel and the Gulf states can and should be expanded,” he said. “Israel also has a lot to offer when it comes to water desalination and irrigation, …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite