Tag Archives: Israel

ISIS brides: Al Qaida – ISIS affiliated were our allies #Norway

ISIS brides UK Express

  Herland Report: In Norway, FRP left the coalition government on Monday, Jan. 20th, citing “the last drop” was the Conservative Government’s decision to take back from Syria the ISIS brides-wives. We hereby congratulate FRP on the decision. But questions remain: Why do we still continue to pretend that Al Qaida and ISIS were not our allies? Official DIA reports …

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Soleimani was Khamenei’s hope to re-engineering Iran Islamist hierarchy

Khamenei Iran Soleimani TImes Of Israe Herland Report

  Herland Report:  Iran lost more than its ablest commander, “resistance” icon and shadow foreign minister with the demise of Qasem Soleimani. It lost its future. Or at least a vision of the future that Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei had been carefully preparing for in coordination with the slain general. The Khamenei-Soleimani partnership is not well understood outside Iran. It …

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Escalation to world conflict due to Energy Trade?

Sardar-haj-qasem-soleimani-USA Iran The National Interest

  Herland Report: If a regional war was to erupt, the implications may escalate to a world conflict, due to the volatility of the energy trade. The US assassination of General Qasem Soleimani will not affect Iranian capabilities much, said commentator Daniel Pipes. “The killing of Soleimani is unlikely to achieve the goal of moderating Iran’s international behavior. Rather, just …

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Stop European anti-Semitism, stop intolerance!


  Herland Report: The month of December, 2019 has been the worst in a long time regarding soaring anti-Semitism, by which we mean hostility to, prejudice or racism against Jews: The negative evaluation of individuals based on ethnic origin. The disdain for Jews as a group and Israel as a nation, as if “all Jews” are evil and “everyone in …

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How the Son of Betlehem, Jesus Christ transformed the world

  Herland Report: Jesus Christ transformed the world: Born in a manger, far from society leaders and presidential palaces, the symbolism of Jesus’ birth carries oceans of hope for those less fortunate. And for the rich: he was worshipped by Eastern astrologers who found his star and brought their wealth to lay down at his feet. And this was his …

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NEW Horrific Anti-Semitism in Jeremy Corbyn Labour, did little to stop it

jeremy corbyn labour antisemittism UK Getty.

  Herland Report: New secret files emerge that blow apart Labour claims that anti-Semitism is dealt with, ‘suspended or expelled’ members. Days before the UK election, report states that over 130 unresolved cases still linger, Labour members who have said all Jews must be exterminated, call for the extermination of Israel, ask for the “extermination of every Jew on the …

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Artikkelserie: Samfunnsforskning er ikke verdinøytral og sterkt preget av politisk korrekthet

Hanne Herland PR guru USA Report

  Herland Report:  Mange tror at moderne vitenskap er verdinøytral, men samfunnsforskning er verken objektiv eller nøytral. Den er politisk og svært ofte ideologisk fundert i et bestemt samfunnssyn. Det meste av det vi kaller objektivt, er sjelden det. Samfunnsforskningen har en tendens til å være full av antagelser som er farget av rådende paradigmer og «populær tenkning». Ikke minst …

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Hvorfor det er viktig å snakke sant #Israel

Putin Netanyahu moscow military parade 2018 israel Russia good relations Cyptrus Mail

   Herland Report: Michal Rachel Suissa: Ny kunnskap har alltid vært skapt av noen få enkeltindivider som har fremsatt hypoteser og teorier som strider imot hva flertallet av forskere mener. Overskriften er lånt fra et foredrag som i høst ble holdt av vitenskapsteoretikeren Stephen Meyer.  Hans anliggende er problemene innenfor biologisk vitenskap med å få anerkjent alle konsekvensene av de …

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Foreign Aid a form of drug addiction #Gaza, Gerald Steinberg

The West does not understand the Middle East - Dr. Gerald Steinberg Herland Report

  Herland Report: We recently sat down with Dr. Gerald Steinberg, discussing foreign aid a form of drug addiction, the politization of Foreign Aid, as billions are funneled to “poor countries” but never seem to reach the poor. The same countries that receive billions of dollars, tend to remain poor regardless of however much is given. The current culture of …

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Book The Billionaire World Hanne Nabintu Herland How Marxism Serves the Elite