Tag Archives: Jacques Derrida

Neo-Marxist Jacques Derrida and his Racist Deconstruction Theory

Jacques Derrida and the Racist Left Victimization of Blacks: Socialist Racism, Herland Report

  The Left has implemented the Neo-Marxist Jacques Derrida Racist Deconstruction Theory that does not permit equal treatment regardless of race and ethnic origin. Rather, it arguably automatically prescribes the role of the victim to anyone with darker skin color, women or some other sub-group in society. The tyranny of the minorities is in effect the result.  This form for …

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The notion of White Privilege is one of the most absurd fantasies in human history

Worse Financial Crisis than in 2008: The notion of White Privilege is one of the most absurd fantasies in human history paul craig roberts

  February is the month we celebrate Black Heritage Month.  Try celebrating White Heritage.  It would be declared an insurrection, and instantly the FBI would be on the scene rounding up white supremacists and domestic terrorists. White heritage has been characterized as racism, and racism is something to be ashamed of, not celebrated. “People don’t realize how hard it is to …

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Mao Zedong America: Woke, anti-fact, emotion based cancel culture demanding submission

Mao Zedong America: Joe Biden keeps quoting Mao Zedong, Herland Report AFP

  Herland Report:  Mao Zedong America: “Older Americans who were brought up in a fact-based, reason-based society are at a loss to understand the anti-factual, anti-reason, emotion-based attacks on straight white persons and Western civilization,” writes Dr. Paul Craig Roberts in a new post: “A woman with direct experience with the ruling woke ideology in American universities, media, Democrat Party, and …

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