Tag Archives: Marx

Historic Liberalism versus today’s Marxist Liberalism

John Locke Historic Liberalism and freedom of choice: Freedom defined as the right to behave responsibly

  Many now associate the term “liberalism” with its modern version – a Marxist form of Liberalism – that advocates for free sex, the legalization of drugs in a hedonistic social climate that legitimizes selfishness in disregard of the obligation towards others. One feels – in line with Marxist thought – that it is the responsibility of the state to …

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Cultural Marxism Origins: How its Disciples Subverted America

Crime and Refuge by Odd Nerdrum, foreword by Hanne Nabintu Herland. The Golden Cape, Odd Nerdrum

  You may have heard the terms Cultural Marxism, Critical Theory or Frankfurt School bandied about. And while you might have an intuitive approximation of what these terms mean for America in the 21st century, there’s a good chance that you don’t know much about the deep theory, where the ideology comes from, and what it has planned for America – and the world. How …

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Discover how Christian values defined the Western success story

The Western success story: Hanne Herland

    As history is twisted to fit the atheist Marxist narrative, we are made to believe that modern Western values are of secular or atheist origin. This is not correct. The Western success story: Leading scientists and philosophers during the 1600’s Enlightenment period and earlier were devout Christians. They developed ideals such as equality regardless of race, creed and …

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The depressed, suicidal West: The Christian solution

The depressed, suicidal West: The Christian solution Hanne Herland

  Depression is now an epidemic in the West that permeates society with emptiness, sadness, hopelessness, anger, loss of interest in life, and insomnia. One in four Americans struggle with depression, one in four high schoolers identify as LGBT+ with all the sad problems that come for these young individuals who struggle with feelings of not being the sex they …

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Globalist control of Politicians: The Billionaire Class and Robbery Capitalism

  Hanne Nabintu Herland explains how globalists control politicians as middle class shrink: The consolidation of wealth in the hands of the very few is unprecedented. At the top of the Western economic pyramid resides a billionaire class who are the globalist version of the feudalist lords. In my new book, The Billionaire World. How Marxism serves the Elite, I analyze …

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The Marxist West: Meaninglessness is now core Western value

The Declining West: The search for meaning beyond Materialism. Hanne Nabintu Herland

  Marxism with its cancel culture and social upheaval is now engulfing America, applying its rigorous hatred towards traditional values, tearing down the pillars of stability. The idea, as presented in Karl Marx’ and Friedrich Engels’ work The Communist Manifesto, is that the only solution to injustice between the classes is to instigate bloody revolutions and terror upon the population. …

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Subjective research produces the desired, politically correct result at Western universities

American jobs and China: Herland Report Getty Illustration.

  Historian and philosopher of science, Thomas S. Kuhn has showed how subjective much of the research at universities really is. The historical development of scientific theories illustrates how the dominant epistemology within the social sciences are built on Leftwing ideologies strongly influences the personal opinions of politically correct professors. Subjective research: The individual scientist is often much more influenced …

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The Marxist Liberal Tyranny of Feelings and Victimhood

Liberal Tyranny of Feelings:

  In the increasingly hedonist West, individuals are encouraged to act according to their feelings. If it “feels good,” do it as the pursuit of pleasure is the main goal of life. Liberal Tyranny of Feelings: But why do we instantly accept the notion that morally borderless societies automatically are the best? Why do we assume that self-discipline is bad …

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